Sunday, February 24, 2019

Mixerr Album Reviews #1,682

The Jahmeyka album by Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers captured the best sounds, textures, and colors of Jamaica through music. Their powerful messages blend in perfectly with their optimistic outlook on life. Members voices are resonant with Jamaican heritage. Jahmekya is the most loved album in reggae music and was a top seller in Jamaica back in 1991. Many reggae fans call Jahmekya their best album yet.

The song Raw Riddim showcases the best not only roots reggae but dancehall music as well. The raw sound of reggae can be quite energizing and breathtaking as this song follows the raw rhythm of reggae music. The song mixes dance music with political consciousness.

Come on in, the gate is wide and open. Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers are having fun down in the ghetto of Jamaica. Don't be afraid. They are not as bad as people say. They want you to dance to the raw rhythm of reggae music. Do what you got to do.

Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers question when will the innocent stop being punished for their innocence in the chorus. Every sufferers suffers sometime or another. Being left alone to suffer is no fun. This is the part of the song where the band mixes dance music with political consciousness.

Kozmik is a raw cosmic reggae song which is an original. This song deals with the cosmic feeling. It’s another dance song of course.

There are many forces that we would not like to see. Our dreams become a reality. There's a war going on between right versus wrong. It’s a war you cannot see. It's a war that’s so real. It’s kozmik. Many people having problems from where it came. Intellect takes advantage of the simple man. Things such as an eagle, star, or a pyramid can be considered cosmic. Feel the cosmic vibes and forces around you.

Rainbow County is a song that has voices which are resonant with Jamaican heritage. The Rainbow Country in this song is referring to Jamaica. The Rainbow Country is the Jamaican equivalent of the United States land of milk and honey. In this song the Rainbow Country is considered to be “the promised land”.

The Rainbow Country is a peaceful country where people dance, grow food, and compose music. Everything is sunshine and butterflies. Though the roads are rocky, it sure feels good.

Drastic is a politically and socially conscious song which raises political awareness. This song is similar to Get Up, Stand Up by Bob Marley in a socio-political sense.

To the will of the people in the nation altogether how to bow for a drastic solution to fight oppression. We don't want to fight, but if you push us we have to. We don't give up our rights and we will not stand still. All this oppression make things rough. Do you want it to be drastic? Do you want it?

Oppressors all over the world would like it drastic. The will of the people have to band together to come up with a drastic solution to fight all kinds of oppression all nations have to bow to all kinds of oppression unfortunately. It is up to the will of the people.

When you push us down, we still get up. You turn your back on us and we are still here. You put people into economic slavery and this is what you do. You put us in a social jail for isolation whether it be the upper class, middle class, or lower class. Third World people look. Poor people suffer all over the world. Middle class people suffer all over the world. Even upper class suffer all over the world.

We know the power that we have. You make the world so hard. How is a woman to live? How is a man to think? Make up your mind. A drastic a drastic revolution can happen if people are willing and able.

Wrong Right Wrong is a song which describes how some people got the wrong right and some people got the right wrong. Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers put darkness for light on this song by exposing how politicians and/or those in political power are teaching their doctrine by indoctrinating children and the populous. They tell us where to see the truth.

Politicians are teaching their doctrine to the children of today. Those in position of political power are teaching their doctrine by indoctrinating children. Don't be fooled by the fool or the tricks that they play. They're trying to prove instead of to find. The truth don't hide in no valley or brook. The truth hides in your heart.

For instance, behind the scenes is what governments hide. C.I.A should D.O.A. and K.G.B. should R.I.P or go away. The bible was changed to suit King James. Many empty lies are just hear say. The public wants to know the truth today. The people have every right to know the truth. We're in a slummy economic mess. Some people don't know that. Because they refuse to see it. And that is exactly the world became this way.

Revolutionary charge takes place on Herbs An' Spices. Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers get politically conscious by getting on the revolutionary tip.

Everywhere we go in life there will be a change which is what the lyrics “Everywhere we go there will be a change” means. Why do we think like this? Because revolution is just a flow and everyone knows. Some might not agree with this philosophy or might not understand. It’s time to take a stand.

Life is like herbs and spices. Not everything is the same. The world can be wicked. Live while you can.

Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers gives the minority population a voice on Small People even if the band itself is part of the vocal minority population/group.

Those who they call minority are most of the people that you see. Don't you ever abuse your fellow humble man. Small people one day will get big. Most of the minority population just can't agree with their environment. Small people make the world go round.

Don't be afraid to wake up. Don't be afraid of another day. Speak up for your right. Better a free man than a slave. Give it your best shot, lick it while it hot.

Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers lets the public know what conquers defeat on the song What Conquers Defeat.

You don't know what you're winning unless you know the score. You can't tell when you're losing unless you feel the agony. Then you know what conquers defeat.

You don't know you're winning unless you know the score. You can't win them all and you won't lose them all.  It's like you win some and then you lose some. But you know what conquers defeat? Knowing whether you’re winning or losing is what conquers defeat. That is the message Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers is trying to convey in this song of theirs.

New Time & Age is song about moving forward and changing with time. The band liberates the people for a new time and age on this song of theirs.

People put yourself together now. It’s a new time and age. It’s a new time and day. So put away all your mistakes of yesterday. We're going forward! You never stop going forward. Get your mind together. It's not the end. Tell you people got to do a lot of other things.

The 60s were rough, the 70s were tough, and the 80s were corrupt. The 90s were the time of change. The struggle still goes on in this new time and age today. The struggle for independence and freedom continues on. Today everything is so copacetic.

Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers wants the listener(s) (the public) to live it up while they can. That want to fulfill the prophecy of life our what have you. Well it's a new time and age.

I rate this album, 5/5*****!

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