Travis Peak School is one of the many forgotten schools of Travis County in the State of Texas. The history of Travis Peak School has been long forgotten and erased away with time. Only longtime residents and citizens of Travis County know about Travis Peak School. Those who were born prior to the 1930s will know what exactly this news article is explaining in historical context.
In the hot July summer of 1880, a school called Travis Peak School was built. Travis Peak School opened in the autumn fall of 1880 as Travis Peak School No. 1 at the intersection of Singleton Bend Road & FM 1431 in 1880 on the Hensel property.
Travis Peak School was built out of native stone and brick. The roof was covered with hand-made shingles. All building materials were donated by Mr. W. L. Hensel. W. L. Hensel, Bob Turner, and Geo West were the selected trustees. Mr. W. L. Hensel was the chairman. The Travis Peak School District was established the following year.
Travis Peak School No. 1 only taught grades 1 through 7. 8th grade students attended Travis Peak School No. 2 which held classes for grades 8 through 11. Although Travis Peak School No. 2 taught grades 8 through 11, 12th grade students had to complete their senior year at Marble Falls High School or at Marble Falls Senior High School. Mostly grades 11 and 12 would attend Marble Falls High School in Marble Falls, Texas.
Herman Ludwig Hensel gave property to the Travis Peak School District in 1888 for another new school to be built. In 1889, a wood structure that was moved from Turkey Bend Road to Bee Creek and was reorganized as Travis Peak School No. 2. Travis Peak School No. 2 was located on the Turner Ranch on a “35 yard by 35 yard square piece of land” close to FM 1431 which is a road that connects to Leander. A cemetery was located next to Travis Peak School No. 2.
At some point in time, Travis Peak School No. 2 moved on the property next to Travis Peak School No. 1 which was on the Hensel property. This had to have been between the 1940-1943 because that is when Travis Peak School No. 2 moved.
Later in the 1930s, what specific schools taught what grades were rearranged. Travis Peak School No. 1 taught grades 1 through 7 while Travis Peak School No. 2 taught grades 8 through 10. Sometime during the 1930s is when Travis County Common School District sent senior high school students to attend classes at both Marble Falls Senior High School and Marble Falls High School.
1941 is when Travis Peak School and Travis Peak School District were consolidated into Marble Falls ISD. High school students went to attend Marble Falls High School in Marble Falls, Texas. All the other students from both Travis Peak School No. 1 and Travis Peak School No. 2 attended Marble Falls ISD schools after 1941.
Travis Peak School No. 1 is located on the Hensel property where Hensel Youth Camp is today located at 7890 Singleton Bend Road, Marble Falls, Texas, US 78654 and 7891 Singleton Bend Road, Marble Falls, Texas, US 78654.
The interior structure of the Travis Peak School No. 1 building has been restored by the Hensel family. The original Travis Peak School building sits near its original location of Singleton Bend Road & FM 1431.
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