Sunday, August 25, 2019

Mixerr Album Reviews #1,821

Zoo Brazil’s Future Chock E.P. is an electronic EP influenced by the sounds of jungle and house music. Much of this EP is house music though which uses and utilizes a futuristic electronic soundscape. The whole EP is perfect for the dance floor.

The song Wow! uses a mixture of jungle, house music, and electronic music. The song is perfect for the dance floor. A Roland 404 machine was used to producer the beats. The kicks fit in perfectly with the bass. A mixture of soundbites from a 16 bit video game which are used in various places throughout Wow!. Repetitiveness of the song is what keeps the listener compelled to listen to the whole without skipping.

The Tom Droid & Gerald Lucas Cyborg Mix [Wow! (Tom Droid & Gerald Lucas Cyborg Mix)] uses a mixture of soundbites from a 8 bit video game are used in various places throughout the song.

We Want You is an upbeat electronic house song with a futuristic electronic soundscape. The song is perfect for the dance floor and to boogie to. The song uses a minimal touch of tech house and electronic music.

I rate this EP 5/5*****!

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