Excessive radiation levels were found in Beaverlodge Lake near Uranium City, Saskatchewan, Canada. Officials say radiation from nearby land fills and mines have seeped into Beaverlodge Lake. The radiation was said to come from out of the ground. Radon levels are unacceptable. Further details on the source are not limited to land fills but collieries as well.
A Deputy Environment Minister reported Beaverlodge Lake had higher than desirable levels of radon. The radiation levels were discovered in areas where uranium has been mined or is currently being mined.
Radon was found during an environmental survey. Radon is a type of radiation which can cause lung cancer after exposure for long periods of time. Of course radon can effect the water quality in Beaverlodge Lake. The radon levels were discovered in areas where uranium has been mined or is currently being mined. High levels of radiation and radon have effected the northern park of the Saskatchewan for years.
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