Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Mystery behind the burnt structure up on the hill of O’Connor Road in Live Oak, Texas solved.

The burnt structure up on the hill of O’Connor Road in Live Oak, Texas was one of the apartment complexes that was built in 2005 for the O’Connor SBMH Apartments. This single two-story apartment complex burnt to ground in an accidental wildfire in 2007. The fire was declared to be accident and no one was charged. (Ref: https://www.loopnet.com/listing/10804-oconnor-rd-live-oak-tx/12355529/)

However by 2009, most of the trees and bushes grew back and needed to cleared. According to motovo, “Previously there was a house that was burnt down so the their will be clearing of debris needed.” (Ref: https://www.movoto.com/live-oak-tx/10800-oconnor-live-oak-tx-78233-401_1270974/)

The City of Live Oak and City of San Antonio had declared this property a hazard to the public. Ironically none of the debris has been cleared and remains there. However some cleanup work was performed. The unsafe structure was secured by a fence. Littler and debris were removed. The front yard and backyard was mowed. Tree branches and bushes were trimmed. (Ref: Bexar County Official Public Records - Land Records, Volume 17904, Page 611) 

The property has been advertised on KW San Antonio.com thrice within the last 15 years since 2004. Mostly during the 00s. The property was advertised on motovo as well. Since then Maumoud M. Zahreal has been trying very hard to sell this property. (Ref: https://www.kwsanantonio.com/10800-oconnor-live-oak-tx-78233)

This burnt structure is located at 10804 O’Connor Road, Live Oak, Texas, US 78200.

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