Southton School was established as an elementary school in the early 1900s south of San Antonio, Texas in the Southton community on the junction of Whitney Avenue & Arkansas Avenue. The school building was established in the Southton community.
Southton School was a 1-6 school that educated elementary school grades 1 through 6. Southton School consisted of three rooms total with one teacher and two grades in each room. Both 5th grade and 6th grades were in the third room. The principal was Ms. Hays who was also one of the teachers as well. (Ref:
Many of the students rode bicycles or walked to school. After 6th grade, students either finished school in Floresville ISD or East Central ISD. Ironically East Central ISD operated Southton School. Interestingly enough there was never a Southton High School or a Southton Middle School. (Ref:
During the 20s and 30s, Southton boasted a small but sizable PTA association according to articles from San Antonio Express. (Ref:
Southton School was already becoming outdated by 1959. This was because, at the time, Southton School was a two-room frame building in poor condition with no indoor plumbing. The campus still had outdoor toilets. San Antonio Express and News reported, “SOUTHTON: Two-room frame building, outdoor toilets; should be abandoned.” That was what the TEA's chief consultant Edward Guice recommended. (Ref:
Southton School was in operation through the 1960s. Around 1970 is when the school closed. Exactly when and why Southton School closed is currently unknown. The school had stopped appearing on maps by 1971. The school building was no longer extant by 1973. (Ref: 1973 aerial map of Southton, Texas on NETR Historic Aerials website)
Southton School was located at 12450 Whitney Avenue, San Antonio, Texas, US 78223.
Mixerr Reviews was a news blog/local business from Austin, Texas, US that operated from 2012 to 2023. This blog is no longer operational and has been discontinued. Michael Mixerr is currently a writer, narrator, and content curator for Bout Dat Online.
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