Thayers Opera is one of the long forgotten operas in Flint and the State of Michigan. Thayer's Opera House was one of the short-lived operas in Michigan. This news article will explore and explain the history behind Thayers Opera. However not much is known about this opera.
Thayers Opera was a short-lived opera owned and operated by business manager Herbert A. Thayer (H. A. Thayer) at the corner of East Union Street and Harrison Street in the city of Flint, Michigan during the later end of the 19th century. (Ref:,0.032,0.67,0.395,0)
Thayers Opera was known for its popular prices with patrons due to the high-class attractions provided. The opera had a proscenium with a 30 foot wide opening with a 6 foot distance between side walls. The theatre was located on the ground floor. C. Brooks was the stage carpenter. Ed Menter was the leader. Landis and T. Tschudi were the scenic artists responsible for design. (Ref:
Now Thayers Opera also served as a political meeting spot where politicians would hold meetings. Democrats and Republicans used Thayers Opera as a meeting spot for their meeting toward the end of the 19th century. (Ref:
“The Democratic meeting at Thayer's Opera House tonight was a grand success. At 5 o'clock E. L. Bray, chairman of the evening, introduced in a neat speech. Hon. Elliott R. Wilcox, Democratic candidate for congress from the sixth congressional district, to a large, and enthusiastic audience. Mr. Wilcox was received with applause and for nearly an hour held the vast audience in the closest attention. Sir Wilcox handled the tariff in a masterly and candid manner and clearly demonstrated to his hearers that the condition of the country for the past two years was the direct result of twenty-five years of high protection. Mr. Wilcox declared for a silver currency at a ratio of 10 to 1 and closed with an earnest and patriotic request that the people should vote the Democratic ticket in order to again restore prosperity and happiness to a once happy and contented people. Hon. Asher G. Garuth was then introduced and spoke at some length in an eloquent and patriotic manner. He reviewed the history of the Democratic and Republican parties and clearly showed that the former was the party of the people. His knowledge of the tariff helped him explain in a forcible and logical way the fallacy of a high protective tariff. He spoke of his acquaintance with Spencer O. Fisher when the latter represented the tenth district, and declared. Mr. Fisher to be one of the hardest working representatives from Michigan and looked well after the wants of his constituents while in congress. That he would be the next governor of Michigan and that the beautiful Peninsula State could get no purer man as its executive. The names of Tilden, Cleveland and Fisher brought forth unlimited applauded for his eloquent bursts of oratory. He said that success was always sure, when the women were patriotic and contributed led the Democrats of Flint that the ladies had turned out so largely at this meeting. The meeting closed with three rousing cheers for Fisher, Wilcox and the Democrat ticket.”
Richard Gunther, of Wisconsin, addressed a large meeting of Republicans at Thayer's Opera House about a financial question. The speaker devoted his entire time to The financial question, and made some telling points in favor of the yellow metal. (Ref:
“Flint. Mich., September 24. Richard Gunther, of Wisconsin, addressed a large meeting of Republicans at Thayer's opera house. The speaker devoted his entire time to The financial question, and made some telling points in favor of the yellow metal.”
Thayers Opera was located at East Union Street & Harrison Street, Flint, Michigan, US 48502.
Mixerr Reviews was a news blog/local business from Austin, Texas, US that operated from 2012 to 2023. This blog is no longer operational and has been discontinued. Michael Mixerr is currently a writer, narrator, and content curator for Bout Dat Online.
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