Friday, March 4, 2022

History of the Wildman School in San Antonio, Texas explained.

Wildman School is one of the lesser known but highly remembered schools of Bexar County. This news article will explain the history behind Wildman School.

According to Bexar County Public Records, on September 27, 1889, S.H. Wildman deeded the State of Texas a 2 acre parcel of land from the 470 acre S.H. Wildman tract. The land was deeded to the State of Texas for school purposes. (Ref: Bexar County Land Records, Document Number 99991866664)

"S.H. Wildman deeded to Bexar County on September 27, 1889 a tract or parcel of land lying on the south side of Elm Creek about 1/2 mile from Elm Creek on the Somerset Road, it being a part of the S.H. Wildman tract of 470 acres containing two acres more of less. Land is deeded to the State of Texas for school purposes and the house shall be known as the Alamo Creek School."

Alamo Creek School was the first name Wildman School operated under before the name changed. Wildman School was named after S.H. Wildman, the man who donated land for a school. The school operated under the State of Texas before being granted its own school district in the 20th century.  

Wildman School was a tiny school with one teacher educating 120 students in grades 1 through 7. School stopped after 7th grade. (Ref:

According to the book Advancing the Master's Cause: A Centennial History of The Somerset (Medina) Baptist Church, 1857-1957 by Ken Caruthers, Pastor J.M. Rogers gave religious services at Wildman School on occasion. (Ref: Advancing the Master's Cause: A Centennial History of The Somerset (Medina) Baptist Church, 1857-1957, Ken Caruthers)

"J.M. Rogers began his duties as pastor in May 1890. His services were held at Wildman and Bexar school houses on occasion."  

William F. Kenney (Billy Kenney) took kids to school with a "school bus" he ran to the school. This "school bus" was actually a wagon pulled by horses. (Ref:

One of the teachers at the Wildman School was named "Smoot" who was better known as Mabel Moote from Sutherland Springs, Texas.  Mabel Moote was assigned to teach at the Wildman School in the 1912-1913 school year. She got married in May of 1915 and ended her teaching career afterwards. (Ref:

According to the San Antonio Express, Wildman School was an elementary school in 1920. (Ref:

Wildman School was consolidated into Somerset ISD in 1920 after Somerset ISD was formed by combining the school districts of Wildman, Senior, Bexar, Old Rock (Old Somerset area) and Oak Island. (Ref:

Today the Wildman School has been restored and moved to our present day school grounds of Somerset Middle School at Somerset where it was utilized as additional class rooms, including a band hall. (Ref:

Wildman School was located on Somerset Road, San Antonio, Texas, US.

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