Sunday, February 24, 2019

Revisiting history of Gershom School in Detroit, Michigan.

Not much history is known about the Gershom School in Detroit, Michigan. It is one of Detroit’s many forgotten schools next to Morley School, Cass Union School, Andrew Jackson Intermediate School, and Hunter School. This news article will explore and explain the history behind Gershom School.

Gershom School was established and built in the Delray neighborhood of Detroit in 1912. The building itself was a 1,088 square foot building constructed out of masonry brick. The school was located on a 8,276 square foot lot. The building had 4 restrooms, a basements and a roof which was made out of asphalt.

Originally the school was 3 stories in height on an L-shaped building plan. A bigger building was built as an addition to the school and was 3 stories tall with additional classrooms 2 years later. The back building was later expanded to become 4 stories tall as a basement was added to the foundation beneath the school. Classes were also held in the basement.

The student population was largely German Jewish and Czechoslovakian. However overtime, the student population largely became German Jewish. No African American students attended there during that time.

Sometime during the mid-20th century is when the 3rd floor of Gershom School was leveled making the building then become 2 stories. More high school aged students began attending the school. This led to crowded classrooms. Sometime during the early 1970s is when Gershom School had its interiors renovated. Exteriors remained unchanged.

Detroit Public Schools closed down Gershom School in 1974. Detroit Public Schools sold the building to a private homeowner in 1975. No other known modifications were made during that time. Several alterations and modifications were made to the building specifically for its interiors. The other portion of the back building located in the very back was demolished.

For over 30 years the former school building had served as a single family home at least since 1975. Possibly several landlords or renters had owned the house.

On the date of 9/5/2005, the property was sold to a couple of homeowners. These 2 homeowners heavily altered the interiors of this building. (Ref:

On the date of Friday, August 21, 2015, Wayne County had filed for foreclose on the former school lot due to unpaid bills and unpaid taxes. $805 dollars of taxes were due at the time. Wayne County put the property up for auction on the date of Wednesday, September 16, 2015. It was during the auction date that Wayne County sold the lot to the Treasurer of Wayne County. $1,083.46 in taxes were due. (Ref: Wayne County CAD, Document Number: 0524640638)

Sometime in 2017 is when the building burned down due to arson. The roof completely perished during the fire. The floor is no longer extant. Grass takes place where the floors were once located as floors to both building had burned down. A portion of the western wall is missing.

Today the property and school are now owned by the Treasurer of Wayne County. According to, this property is no longer available to rent or to buy. (Ref:

Gershom School is located at 124 South Dupont Street, Detroit, Michigan, US 48209.

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