Thursday, May 30, 2019

Mixerr Album Reviews #1,782

Variety of Sinz - Hellavish • Blaze For The New Year is one hell of a wicked album. It's hell in the beginning and heaven in the end when you are listening to the album as the words suggest on the album cover. Variety of Sinz bring out to you the hellish rap sounds of horrorcore, grimness, and acid rap along with that Flint Town sound with additions of spoken word from Revelation Records and Boomin' Records. Variety of Sinz can be compared to rap groups such as Natas, Project Born, Twiztid, The Dayton Family, Tnt, ICP, House of Krazees, Top Authority, and Cobane Boyz among others.

Hellavish was an album that was released on cassette only in 1994 by Revelation Records from Flint, Michigan. The A-Side is Hell The Beginning and the B-Side is Heaven The End. Steve Pitts engineered and mixed this VOS album at Success

The intro begins during a dark grim stormy night that quickly turns into a hellish nightmare. The mood easily quickly gives a negative feeling onto the listener or audience comparatively speaking. This track is known as the Stormy Night Intro.

Hellavish is a hellish song. Dark grim tales of horror are told. Hellish actions are committed by Variety of Sinz during a dark stormy night. There is no turning back after listening to this song after a day. Hellavish is a reprise to the Stormy Night Intro. The mood and vibe is dark. That's how music fans would consider this song. D Polk (Dion Polk) breaks us off something wicked on this VOS song. Helebe is known for his wicked rhymes which are considered to be hellish.

Hizzi uses a variety of kick drums and 808 beats over dope rhymes. The layers of beats are particularly thin. Steve Pitts produced and engineered the song.

The sounds of Other Side can be described as dark, negative, brooding, and hellish in key terms. Hellish is one word to describe this track. The mood and vibe is considered to be both dark and negative. Notice how the mood is brooding negative for instance. It's a fight between heaven and hell on the Other Side track. They wonder if they will either end up in heaven or hell during this track.

Variety of Sinz wonders if the group themselves will make it into heaven after committing hellish action that are considered to be a sin inside the track Other Side. They think heaven is too far on the other side for them to go. Besides their homies in hell (life) they would hate to see each other die.

Mind Flip is one hellish G-Funk track. The song itself has a dark eerie mood which is not surprising as most Variety of Sinz songs are comparatively dark. VOS is coming through your stereo system with hellish wicked rhymes. The song uses a thick layer of beats and bass. Followed by a thick layer of beats is a thick layer of bass which balance out perfectly.

This VOS song is aimed at the fake ass fools aka the plastic people. It’s a Revelation Family posse cut.

40 Fiend starts the song off first. He barely works a regular 9 to 5 job. The rest of the day he’s getting high. He is often making dope shit better than the chronic (a reference to the album Dr. Dre - The Chronic). You gotta come bubonic in the music industry. 40 Fiend makes people feel him with his rhymes. Throughout the verse, 40 Fiend makes references to contemporary rap artists of the time who were big such as Spice 1, Ice T, MC Breed, Snoop Dogg, 2Pac, and Top Authority.

He remembers all the people who were haters all on up The Dayton Family’s shit. People started dissing them because they couldn’t get a grip on their success. The Dayton Family’s albums were selling out back in the mid 90s. They had 2 gold selling albums.

40 Fiend dedicated the first verse to the music industry. That’s why you hear references made to other artists.

D Polk is tired of the old shit. He laughs at the wack people who diss him and can’t stand him. He carries a full clip. Social conservatives want to ban him but won’t give their time to him. D Polk is in a rage as his mind is crazed. Stay away and bacdafucup.

Helebe is known for his wicked rhymes which are considered to be hellish. Leatha Face and Helebe raps some hellish wicked rhymes at the very end of Mind Flip. They want you to listen to the wicked rhymes that them and Variety of Sinz spit. They have such spirit in their raps.

VOS is coming through your stereo system and coming to your soul at the end of Mind Flip.

The song Book 1 serves as the ending track for Side A (Hell The Beginning). The song uses a thick layer of beats, sound effects, synths, and bass. Book 1 serves as a representation of the book of sins. Similar to purgatory and the Seven Sins.

Can You Hang (Prelude) serves as the beginning track for Side B (Heaven The End). The song uses a thick layer of beats, sound effects, synths, and bass. VOS lets us know it’s on.

Variety of Sinz doubles up as a team on Double Up. Double Up is a posse cut that is a solid group effort. The vibe is similar to Mind Flip.

The Preacher is a spoken word skit of sorts. A preacher explains to an audience you can’t blame kids for the way they are. The institution failed on the children. Somewhere along the way in life is where the institution failed the children.

Rap meets spoken word on Bigger Balls. The song has a dark mood and negative vibe. The song is about who is the better rap group.

You can hear dark sound in the mood and vibe of Bigger Balls when you listen to the beginning after 15 seconds. A keyboard organ playing down tempo notes easily gives away a negative eerie vibe and mood. A female vocalist is the angelic voice in the background chorus. This female vocalist is singing solo however on such short notes. Rap meets spoken word on Bigger Balls. The song has a dark mood and negative vibe.

Variety of Sinz compares themselves to the rap group Top Authority on this track right here. They contemplate and wonder why their albums are not selling as well as the Top Authority albums that were circulating around the city of Flint, Michigan at the time.

Variety of Sinz put out an album on cassette and it’s not selling in high quantities as the Top Authority - Rated G album was. They wonder why their album is not selling as many copies as the Top Authority - Rated G album was selling in terms of album sales. So now they wonder who has the bigger balls hence the title of this track.

It's mind over matter on the track Mind Over Matter. Think of the term 'mind flip' when you listen to Mind Over Matter. The mood is brooding and eerie. Mind Over Matter is about decision making and dealing with insanity. Miez Nazty raps a verse on Mind Over Matter. The song was produced by Steve Pitts.

I rate this album, 5/5*****!

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