Saturday, August 1, 2020

Mixerr Album Reviews #2,169

Andrew Bird’s Echolocations: River album is good for relaxation and meditation. Relaxation is good for introspection. Plus you get to hear some of nature and the great outdoors. Sounds from animals can be heard on this album. Bird calls can be heard all over the album. The affirmation of nature is appealing. The Green Heron is one of the deep nature tracks that are soothing but not too dark. You can hear the sounds of nature, which in this case are a waterfall and a stream, on Black-Crowned Night-Heron. A violin plays loudly which kind of in a way ruins the mood of solitude. Lazuli Bunting is one of the more quieter songs with a softer toucher.

I rate this album 3/5***.

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