Monday, December 28, 2020

History of Hornsby-Dunlap Mexican School explored.

Hornsby-Dunlap Mexican School is one of the many forgotten school of Austin and Travis County. Hornsby-Dunlap Mexican School was one of the 12 Mexican schools in Travis County that was operated by the Travis County Common School District. This news article will explain some of the history behind this school.

Hornsby-Dunlap Mexican School was established sometime in 1857. W. L. Steele was one of the first teachers at Hornsby-Dunlap Mexican School. The building was erected as a 3-room single story brick building. This school taught Hispanic students only. Grades 2 through 7 were taught at first. The school began shifting its focus to educate grades 1 through 7 later.

Hornsby-Dunlap Mexican School had been receiving state aid by 1919. That is because Hornsby-Dunlap Mexican School had been designated to receive state aid. Hornsby-Dunlap Mexican School received $175 dollars in state aid during the 1919-1920 school year. (Ref:

Miss Julia Browning was named principal of Hornsby-Dunlap Mexican School again in 1932. Miss Betty Kana was elected teacher at Hornsby-Dunlap Mexican School to succeed Mrs. John Sheridan. (Ref:

Another teacher was added at Hornsby-Dunlap Mexican School in 1931 due to the increasing enrollment that school was facing at that time. The county superintendent's office announced that another teacher was added at the Hornsby-Dunlap Mexican School in the Austin American. Hornsby-Dunlap Mexican School had received state aid during the Great Depression. (Ref: Austin American, Page 2, Saturday, January 17, 1931)

“Due to the rapidly increasing enrollment in the Hornsby-Dunlap Mexican School, another teacher was added to the faculty this week, the county superintendent's office announced. Mrs. Julia Browning is the additional teacher. Mrs. John Sheridan is the principal of the school.”

The Hornsby-Dunlap Mexican School taught by Miss Margaret Howard and had enrolled 74 pupils in 1926. Miss Margaret Howard taught all 7 grades. The age range of the student population ranged from 7 to 12.  Miss Margaret Howard was the teacher until the school closed. (Ref:

1952 was the last year this school would operate as Hornsby-Dunlap Mexican School would close down in 1953 during the 1953-1954 school year. Students at this school would be now attending classes at the Hornsby-Dunlap White School (now Hornsby-Dunlap Elementary School). The building was later demolished in 1957.

Hornsby-Dunlap Mexican School was located at 14310 Hunters Bend Road, Austin, Texas, US 78725.

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