Tuesday, December 29, 2020

History of Manda Methodist Church explained and explored.

Manda Methodist Church is one of the forgotten churches of Manor and Travis County. This news article will explain the history behind Manda Methodist Church.

Manda Methodist Church was organized and established in 1892. Subsequently a small chapel was built in 1893. A cemetery called Manda Methodist Cemetery was established in 1893. Many original members of the Manda community and members of Manda Methodist Church are buried in Manda Methodist Cemetery.
(Ref: https://books.google.com/books/about/Tributes_Honoring_Pioneers_Manda_Methodi.html?id=UFr4HAAACAAJ)

Manda Methodist Church was re-built into a frame building with stained-glass windows and a tall bell tower in 1909. A 1,900 pound, 42 inch bell was ordered from the C. B. Bell Company of Hillsboro, Ohio, and was given to the church by the Walter Tips Hardware Company of Austin. The historic church bell is now on the grounds of the First Methodist Church in Elgin and church cornerstone is now located in the Manda Methodist Cemetery. (Ref: https://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/entries/manda-tx)

The church parsonage was remodeled into a two-story, bungalow-type home which was converted into a private residence in 1914. The pastor lived on site. (Ref: https://www.newspapers.com/clip/49475474/austin-american-statesman/)

Manda Methodist Church was discontinued and had disbanded in 1962. Its congregation merged with Elgin Methodist Church. Manda Methodist Church discontinued services because of population shifts. So its members transferred to other nearby Methodist congregations, mostly to Elgin. The bell was transported to Elgin Methodist Church on the date of December 2, 1967. A plaque carries the names of the early-day members of the rural congregation of Manda Methodist Church. Services were held at the Elgin Methodist Church in tribute to the pioneers of the Manda Methodist Church. (Ref: https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/357864351/)

Part of the church building has been moved from the original location and moved to another location. A historical marker was placed at the southwest corner of the Manda Methodist Church site, near the cemetery in 1990.  The Manda Methodist Church cornerstone is now the center of the cemetery.

Manda Methodist Church was once located at 15618 Wells Lane, Manor, Texas, US 78653.

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