Friday, January 1, 2021

History about the West Avenue Tunnel in Austin, Texas explored.

This news article will explore the background information and history behind the West Avenue tunnel in Austin, Texas. The West Avenue Tunnel connected former Austin ISD schools John T. Allan High School and Austin High School to each other so students could attend classes safely without having to cross “busy West Avenue”.

Building a tunnel to eliminate traffic hazards for Austin High School students and Allan High School students had been on the agenda for Austin ISD since 1933. West Avenue was facing many traffic problems then. However the Great Depression prevented a tunnel from being constructed.

Plans for a tunnel to run underneath West Avenue were announced in the Austin American newspaper in 1933. Mr. Solon Walker announced he had filed projects for a tunnels across Austin. (Ref: Austin American, Page 1, Tuesday, November 14, 1933)

“Mr. Walker announced he has filed projects for a tunnel under the street from Fulmore School; a tunnel under West Avenue from the high school building to the gymnasium, and a tunnel under East First Street from Palm School.”

Vice Pres. Joe Koen and the Chamber of Commerce directors invited the streets and safety committee of the organization to take steps immediately to determine whether a civil works project can be secured for a tunnel between Austin High School and the gymnasium in early March 1934.

“On suggestion of Vice Pres. Joe Koen, the Chamber of Commerce directors Invited the streets and safety committee of the organization to take steps immediately to determine whether a civil works project can be secured for a tunnel between Austin High School and the gymnasium, the tunnel to run under West Avenue. Mr. Koen pointed out this would relieve a great danger to the students who now cross West Avenue.”

The safety commission of Austin High School made a motion for a tunnel to be constructed underneath West Avenue in 1934. West Avenue had a traffic problem then. However the Austin ISD school board was unable to secure finances for a tunnel to be constructed underneath West Avenue. (Ref:

“A committee from the Chamber of Commerce headed by Pres. A. C. Bull, Mgr. Walter E. Long and J. E. McClain. chairman of the safety committee, asked the board to consider the problem of constructing a tunnel between the Austin High School and the high school gymnasium across West Avenue for the safety of the 1,000 or more school children who cross the street each day between classes in the two buildings. Members of the school board said the board is unable to finance the improvement at this time.”

“Supt. McCallum reported that the need for a tunnel between Austin High School and its gymnasium, across West Avenue, is very acute, since more than 1,000 pupils daily have to cross this street between the two buildings.”

Citizens began asking for a tunnel to be constructed underneath West Avenue in 1934. They were aware of the heavy traffic running on West Avenue. They asked for solution for the traffic problem on West Avenue  at meetings. (Ref:

“A tunnel under West Avenue from the Austin High School to the gymnasium for the use of students was brought up at a meeting of the directors of the Austin Chamber of Commerce last night. The streets and safety committee of the organization was asked to see what could be done toward making the project a civil works job. The crossing is hazardous since West Avenue has a great deal of traffic and the street near this point rises suddenly to the north.”

Construction of an underground tunnel under West Avenue connecting the Austin High School with the gymnasium on West Avenue at 13th Street was contemplated among other improvements in 1935. (Ref:

A new heating plant for Austin High School and Allan High School was set to be built in late 1938. A tunnel underneath West Avenue was to serve as a tunnel for the new heating plant. (Ref: Austin American, To Build Underpass, Page 5, Tuesday, November 8, 1938)

“In addition, an underpass will be constructed beneath West Avenue to connect the high school with the gymnasium and athletic plant in House park and the underpass also will serve as a tunnel for new heating plant to be built near the gymnasium. The stadium at House Park will be enlarged with the addition of stands on the east side of the field and restroom facilities for the public, now lacking, will be constructed at House Park.”

Rex D. Kitchens began Construction on this steam tunnel underneath West Avenue on a later date in late 1939. This steam tunnel would connect to the Austin High School building and the gymnasium. The tunnel cost $13,500 to build.

Rex D. Kitchens of Austin entered the lowest bid for the construction of an underpass and tunnel beneath West Avenue to connect the Austin High School building and the school's gymnasium on 13th Street on Friday, December 2, 1938. However this tunnel did not connect to 13th Street. This tunnel connected across West Avenue. (Ref: Austin American, Bids Are Opened on School Jobs, Page 16, December 3, 1938)

“Rex D. Kitchens of Austin entered the lowest based bid for the construction of an underpass and tunnel beneath West Avenue to connect the Austin High School building and the school's gymnasium on 13th Street.”

Rex D. Kitchens began construction of a steam tunnel underneath West Avenue on the date of December 16, 1938. This steam tunnel would connect to the Austin High School building and the gymnasium.

“Rex Kitchens began construction of an underpass and steam tunnel under West Avenue to connect the Austin High School with its gymnasium, and J. E. Blackmore this week started construction on the new stadium on the east side of House Park.”

A tunnel called West Avenue Tunnel was built under West Avenue in 1939 as a WPA Project which was federally funded by the United States Government for both Allan High School and Austin High School. West Avenue Tunnel was dug, built, and constructed at a cost of $1,300,000 dollars by architects Giesecke and Harris. West Avenue Tunnel was part of the $1,300,000 program. Construction of West Avenue Tunnel was completed May 1, 1939. (Ref:

A tunnel was constructed under West Avenue to assure Austin High School students and Allan High School students safe passage from the high schools to the gymnasium and House park. This tunnel provided safe accessibility so students could attend classes safely so they would not have to cross “busy West Avenue” to reach the Band Hall and Gym. This tunnel also provided access for students to attend classes at both Allan High School and Austin High School. 

West Avenue Tunnel did not connect to the Annex Building of Austin High School as some people would believe.


West Avenue Tunnel also served as Austin High School's underpass, tunneling West Avenue to House Park. West Avenue Tunnel not only provided access to both schools but to Belo Bookstore and HEB. But students traditionally have preferred to continue crossing the street.

The Austin American newspaper reported in 1950 the following: “The tunnel that runs underneath West Avenue, connecting the main building with the gymnasium was dug so students wouldn't have to cross the street, but students traditionally have preferred to continue crossing the street.” (Ref Austin American, Page 25, Tuesday, August 29, 1950)

West Avenue Tunnel was not structurally sound as it once was by 1971. Austin American-Statesman claimed “tunnel is not in the best of shape”. The West Avenue Tunnel connected Allan High School to Austin High School. (Ref: Austin American-Statesman, Page B2, Sunday, May 9, 1971)

In 1995, West Avenue Tunnel was upgraded with new equipment after new equipment was installed in the boiler house across West Avenue. “The new equipment will be installed m the boiler house across West Avenue with piping routed through an existing underground access tunnel.” (Ref:

West Avenue Tunnel was later closed off and abandoned by ACC Rio Grande in the early 2000s. People have encountered water spills and diesel spills while exploring around down there. Some have even encountered and discovered a foot deep of water in the deeper part of this tunnel. ACC Rio Grande has been using this tunnel for furniture storage.

$4.75 million was used to purchase the Allan High School campus from Austin ISD in March 2004. This included the West Avenue Tunnel.

Drainage improvements and cleanup of the West Avenue Tunnel underneath West Avenue was conducted in 2009 after the 2003 Austin Community College bond package budgeted $33.95 million for the downtown campus out of a $99 million package for the ACC Rio Grande campus renovations. $1.5 million in repairs was complete during that year. (Ref:

Today West Avenue Tunnel is gated and locked leaving it inaccessible to the public. ACC Rio Grande (Austin Community College), Austin ISD, and the City of Austin own and maintain West Avenue Tunnel.

West Avenue Tunnel is located at 1214 West Avenue, Austin, Texas, US 78701.

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