Thursday, January 7, 2021

Some history of St. Joseph's Church in San Antonio, Texas explained and explored.

St. Joseph's Church is a widely known community church of San Antonio, Texas that is an international hotspot for tourists that is visited more than 200 times per year. Here St. Joseph's Church is one of the widely known churches of San Antonio. This church is owned and operated by St. Joseph's Catholic Church aka St. Joseph's Church. This church is part of the Catholic Church. This news article will explore some but not all of the history of St. Joseph's Church.

St. Joseph's Church was first built in 1724 in downtown San Antonio as a two-story building out of masonry brick, concrete, and caliche. There would be a third story added to St. Joseph's Church later.

The first floor included a meeting room and a balcony. Public hearings and conferences were held in the meeting room. The walls were plastered and adorned with the Stations of the Cross. A Gothic ceiling was built in to harmonize with the style of the church and three stained glass windows ornamented the sanctuary. A bird found was placed at the entrance.

The second floor contained a spacious hall, a library and a bar. Social gatherings, meetings, theatricals and concerts were held here. In the south terrain was a bowling alley.  A pipe organ to enhance the solemnity of the service, a chime of four bells, of which the largest weighs over 3,000 pounds, were installed. The walls were plastered and then adorned with the Stations of the Cross. A Gothic ceiling was built in to harmonize with the style of the church and three stained glass windows ornamented the sanctuary.

St. Joseph's Church would be rebuilt in 1868. The cornerstone of said church was laid in 1868 and was finally completed in 1871. St. Joseph's Church would open with different religious services available. The present rector of St. Joseph's Catholic Church at the time was pleased and satisfied with the construction work that was completed with St. Joseph's Catholic Church. (Ref:

However on August 16, 1891, Father Peffer Korn could boast not only a steeple, but four new bells, the ceremony of consecration and baptism of which took place before a large congregation with Bishop Neraz and 15 clergymen officiating and facilitating. The sponsors for the large bell were Joseph Jaegli and wife, and was named Joseph, The second largest was named Mary, in honor of the late Mrs. William Menger, and L. W. Menger. Bell No. 3 was fostered by H. Pauly and wife and J. C. Dielmann and wife, and was named Henry. (Ref:

St. Joseph's Church was still without a steeple in January 1898. A newer building for St. Joseph's Hall was built on the opposite end of St. Joseph's Catholic Church in 1898 at 623 East Commerce Street under the administration of Father Andres.

All the plans for this work were designed by the artist-priest, besides the statues, the three principal ones being the work of J. H. Sievers of San Antonio. Part of the wall of the Arbeiter Verein Hall was purchased for it.

Father Andres was a zealous priest, an indefatigable missionary and an accomplished gentleman. He was well-read, and "possessed a library of astonishing copiousness for his time and place. In addition to his parochial duties he exhibited quite an extensive literary activity. For some time he was the rector from 1878 to 1896. During his administration the interior of St. Joseph's Church was completed. (Ref: San Antonio Express, St. Joseph’s, May 26, 1935)

Today St. Joseph's Church is owned by the Catholic Church, St. Joseph's Society, and St. Joseph's Benevolent Association.

St. Joseph's Church is located at 623 East Commerce Street, San Antonio, Texas, US 78205.

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