Velasco Baptist Church is one of the forgotten churches of Freeport, Texas. This news article will explain the history behind Velasco Baptist Church.
Velasco Baptist Church was originally first known as First Baptist Church of Velasco. Services were held in a wooden frame church building erected on the southeast corner of North Avenue C and North Second Street in 1892. (Ref:
The 1900 storm razed this edifice and left the membership without a home for 13 or more years. First Baptist Church of Velasco was leveled by the 1900 hurricane along with most of the other landmarks of the town. (Ref:
Officers who served the church were: Charles Skinner, L. N. Skinner, Dan Lawlis, I. S. Phinney, J. D. Phinney, H. A. Thomas, Bryant Sexton, J. C. Travis and B. H. Autrey, Sr., deacons were: J. C. Travis, B. H. Autrey and I. S. Phinney, trustees; J. D. Phinney, Sunday school superintendent; Bryant Sexton, assistant; and I. S. Phinney, secretary; Dan Lawlis, training union director; Mrs. I. S. Phinney, W. M. N. president; L. N. Skinner, church treasurer; Miss Kittle Skinner, educational secretary, church clerk and choir director (full time employment); Mrs. R. W. Evans, church pianist; Mrs. G. L. Lytle, Mrs. C. P. Rutherford, Mrs J. U. Phinney, Mrs. C. J. Yancy, Mrs. Dan Lawlis, Mrs. Louise Nuerburg and Mrs. Herman Culbertson, superintendents of Sunday school departments; and Mrs. O. J, Finley, church librarian. (Ref:
Velasco Baptist Church was originally First Baptist Church of Velasco. Brother Terry Backen officiated many sermons and preached to the congregation. (Ref:
The First Baptist Church of Velasco was established on August 18, 1892 and was dissolved August 18, 1912. The Baptist Church of Velasco operated for 20 years. (Ref:
By the end of 1918 Baptist members of First Baptist Church of Velasco united to worship at the Freeport Baptist Church as the Freeport Baptist Church was being established.
Velasco Baptist Church was re-established on March 20, 1941. However they had no building. Rev. H. R. Spraker was called as its pastor and for a while services were held in the public school building on Avenue A. A two-story brick veneer church for Velasco Baptist Church was erected on Avenue B. A parsonage had already been secured. The congregation moved into the new building on September 1941. Erected at a cost of $12,000 the building had ah auditorium that would seat 400. In order to relieve the crowded conditions of Velasco schools several classes were held in the church. (Ref: Freeport Facts, Page 14, Thursday, November 22, 1945)
Unfortunately a fire destroyed the church about four months after the building was completed, on Sunday afternoon, January 11, 1942. The night of the same day officials of the church met and let a contract for a building to replace burnt down structure. Insurance money of $10,000 was supplemented with other cash to put up a tile and concrete structure valued at $13,500. The job, done on a "cost plus" basis, was completed in about two months. (Ref: Freeport Facts, Fire Destroyed Church, Page 14, Thursday, November 22, 1945)
The first church building (original building) was destroyed by fire in 1942. So the congregation met in the Velasco Methodist Church. (Ref:
During this time services were held in a tent on the corner across the street from the church property. A high wind blew down the tent and the congregation" moved into the new church a little before being completed in March. The church 29 Sunday school rooms, an auditorium for 400 people, a pastor's' study and a library.
Velasco Baptist Church was re-established in a gray square structure located on North Avenue B in the Velasco section of Freeport in 1960. Ronald Dean Alexander, Ms. Lillian Travis, Nannie Burke, Lon Tullos, and Vernon Sorters were the founders and organizers of Velasco Baptist Church. They established Velasco Baptist Church as a domestic non-profit corporation on the date of December 28, 1960. Ronald Dean Alexander served as president of Velasco Baptist Church. (Ref:
Ms. Lillian Travis was one of the members of the original board of directors for Velasco Baptist Church. She was the previous director for Velasco Baptist Church. (Ref:
Lela Ruth Danford Coleman and her husband, Nathan B. Coleman, were charter members at Velasco Baptist Church. She strongly believed in prayer and wanted everyone to come to know Jesus Christ. She loved her family and her Lord.(Ref:
Velasco Baptist Church was pastored by Rev. A Gordon Johnson. He was a self-taught preacher who served many families until he retired. He was highly respected by members of the congregation.
Velasco Baptist Church was a church of praise and worship. Velasco Baptist Church offered programs such as community service, choir, missions, children's ministry, and youth groups as many churches in the area do. Their choir sings traditional hymns and contemporary music. The affiliation Velasco Baptist Church had was with the Southern Baptist Convention. (Ref:
The City of Freeport purchased a small parcel of land from Velasco Baptist Church in 2005 at price of $750 dollars for a post office. (Ref:
[A new post office is planned in Freeport to replace one that has been operating out of a leased facility since 1963.
The design work on the 8,000-square-foot building is expected to be finished by this fall and construction is slated to begin next year. It will be constructed on a 2.5-acre vacant block on North Avenue F at Quintana Street.
David Lewin, spokesman for the Houston office of the U.S. Postal Service, said he expects the new post office to open a year after construction starts.
The postal service is completing the process of acquiring the property from the city. It has acquired the bulk of the block from the city, except for a small portion owned by Velasco Baptist Church. The city is purchasing that property from the church for $760.
Mayor Jim Barnett said the city will then sell the lot to the postal service for $10.
"We will sell it to the post office at that price because we want that piece of property to be developed," Barnett said. "A new post office is a good thing for the city."]
Velasco Baptist Church was voluntarily dissolved and shut down in 2012 after serving Freeport for over 40 years. The board of directors for Velasco Baptist Church voted to shut down their church and dissolve their congregation. (Ref:
Velasco Baptist Church had an annual revenue of $210,000.00 per year and employs a staff of 4 employees. The original Velasco Baptist Church is now home to a Mexican church called Jesus Es La Respuesta and the Freedom House. (Ref:
Today Velasco Baptist Church is located at 800 North Avenue F, Freeport, Texas, US 77541. Velasco Baptist Church was originally located on North Avenue B. Their phone number was 979-233-2302.

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