Sunday, July 11, 2021

Some history of Rebecca Sparks Memorial Methodist Church in Waco, Texas explained.

Rebecca Sparks Memorial Methodist Church is one of the lesser known churches of Waco, Texas. This news article will explain some of the history behind this church. 


Rebecca Sparks Memorial Methodist Church of Bellmead worshiped in a new church building Sunday at 10:50 AM on Sunday, March 4, 1947. Rebecca Sparks Memorial Methodist Church was constructed out of red-face brick and tile at a cost of $7,000. (Ref:

“Rebecca Sparks Memorial Methodist Church of Bellmead will worship in a new church building Sunday at 10:50 am. This first unit of a three-unit permanent building has been completed in three months at a cost of $7,000, according to Rev. B. L. McCord, pastor of the church. The building is constructed of red-face brick and tile. Special services have been arranged for both morning and evening worship hours, with Rev. Mr. McCord in charge.”


67 new members joined Rebecca Sparks Memorial Methodist Church on Saturday, September 13, 1947. Two units of a three-unit building program were in the process of being constructed. (Ref:

Rev. B. L. McCord, pastor of Rebecca Sparks Memorial Methodist Church, will observe anniversary day Sunday at the church. Rev. Mr. McCord will have completed one year as pastor. During the year 67 new members have joined the church, and these new members will be honored guests at the evening service, beginning at 7:45 o’clock. A special program has been arranged for this service. In addition to the increase in membership, a new brick chapel has been constructed which is one unit of a three-unit building program. The other two units are to be constructed later.

The cornerstone of Rebecca Sparks Memorial Methodist Church was laid at 2 p. m. on Sunday, January 25, 1948. (Ref:

“Cornerstone of Rebecca Sparks Memorial Methodist Church will he laid Sunday at 2 p. m., climaxing a home-coming program at which Rev. John W. Morphis, former pastor, now of Paris, will be speaker. The congregation will have lunch at the church. Rev. Chet C. Henson will officiate at the cornerstone laying, it was announced by Rev. B. L. McCord, pastor of the church.”


Mrs. O. N. Brome donated a 80 x 120 foot lot of her land parcel to Rebecca Sparks Memorial Methodist Church in 1955. (Ref:

Rebecca Sparks Memorial Methodist Church was located at 900 Maxfield, Waco, Texas, US.

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