Thursday, September 16, 2021

History of the former Summit School of Amarillo, Texas explained and explored.

Summit School was built in 1927 with renovations made in 1935. The architect for the school was Guy A. Carlander. Summit School became Summit Elementary School in 1935. The West Wing of the addition was added in 1953.

The school closed in 1972. A voluntary desegregation plan that started during the 1972-1973 school year closed several schools in the North Heights neighborhood. The school became abandoned shortly after the voluntary desegregation plan.

Larry Townsend, Pastor of Summit Baptist Church, purchased the former Summit School from Amarillo ISD around 2012. The school building had sat vacant for almost 45 years prior to Pastor Larry Townsend purchasing the building. Larry Townsend and his wife worked tirelessly to restore the former Summit School building. Larry Townsend knew the school’s alleged history before purchasing it. Summit Baptist Church currently owns the former Summit School. Larry Townsend is the trustee of the former Summit School property.

The former Summit School said to be haunted. Many urban explorers who enjoy the activity of urban exploration claim the former Summit School building is haunted.

Stories about the janitor killing some of the children and throwing them in the broiler are known to be true local citizens. The janitor had supposedly hung himself. His dead soul supposedly haunts the school property. Souls of children haunt the school as well. People say the swings will move by themselves.

On September 29th, 2014, News Channel 10 reported about the school building that is now a church in a news article under the headlines of “Intruders seeking paranormal thrills from local church” and a news video. Over 100 people have trespassed onto the church property within the past 4 years. 10 incidents of theft have been reported as well.

Summit School aka Summit Elementary School is located at South 2800 NW 9th Avenue, Amarillo, Texas, US 79106.

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