Monday, December 13, 2021

Mixerr Album Reviews #2,505

Rukus - The Questions EP is a digital EP that was released on all streaming platforms in 2015. His 2015 EP is based on 5 people with 5 different stories about domestic terrorism, human trafficking, mental health, stalking, and female hustling. His 2015 EP deals with real life issues. The lyrics to his songs grab you by the ears and infiltrate your emotions like Tank due to his tasteful and meaningful lyrics. This San Antonio MC has not lost his touch.

Where is Ashanti? deals with a woman named Ashanti whose passion is fashion design. She craves attention on social media as she is a YouTuber who is constantly on Instagram live. Ashanti suffers from bulimia due to anorexia due to her trying to gain that picture perfect model image. One night she calls for an Uber and ends up missing.

Sometimes it feels like the whole world is against Ashanti. Last night she got catcalled by a man. He said, “Come here, thick thighs.” She’s throwing up her lunch trying to fit one size. Ashanti suffers from bulimia and anorexia. Ashanti suffers from anorexia due to her trying to gain that picture perfect model image.

She is a YouTuber who is constantly on Instagram live. She has 50,000 followers and gets a couple thousand likes on each post. She reads the comments on her posts to see who is hating on her life. But today she has a fashion show. Fashion design is her passion. To her fashion is something magical. She called Uber for a ride which pulled up quick. However the car does not look like the car in the picture.  

She asks the driver is he Marcus. He nodded in reply. He explains to her that his car has been in the automobile shop getting repaired. She’s in the back with the mirror putting lipstick on. It shouldn’t take this to arrive to her destination. Ashanti should have arrived to her destination by now. Glancing at her smartphone, she realizes her GPS signal is not on. She has a gut feeling that something is wrong. So she asks Marcus to pull over. Instead he keeps driving. Ashanti keeps on asking Marcus about where they are headed. He keeps silent.

Then he turned onto a brick road and parked the car right next to a van with dark windows. She tries to leave but the door is locked. She screams out for help to no avail. So she ends up missing.

What saved Isyss? is a smooth, subtle, and mellow rap song backed by a smooth acoustic guitar. The song deals with Isyss looking for a man who is perfect and worth it. No one else is perfect to her or perfect for her. What saved Isyss is the perfect man for her.

Isyss is looking for a man who is perfect and worth it. She’ll give him her all. She has a good job and is in love with her man. She has been struggling. Struggling does not fit her brand. She has been juggling her hustles. That was not part of the plan. Her defiance has turned into tears and resulted in her crying. Her life is something she is trying to clean up.

Why did Billy do it? deals with a racist, named Bill, who had liked a pretty girl named Becky. They have been texting back and forth every day. However she began dating a Hispanic man named Jose and had politely rejected Billy. So he reacted by making a fake facebook account and called her a slut. He wanted to frighten Jose but didn’t have the courage. So Billy plots his revenge through an act of murder.

The song deals with modern day racism in America, overcoming shyness, relationships, romance, and criminal activity.

Billy wakes up to his alarm. He calls his mother. However his mother is booked at the salon. Billy is a Southerner who loves the Confederate flag. The Confederate flag hangs above his bed. It’s clear that Billy is a racist. However he was timid and shy. The thought of him going out for public speaking would make his throat dry.

He had liked a pretty girl named Becky. They have been texting back and forth every day. However she began dating a Hispanic man named Jose and had politely rejected Billy. So he reacted by making a fake facebook account and called her a slut. He wanted to frighten Jose but didn’t have the courage. He hated Mexicans, Blacks, Chinese, and Jews. He also hated immigrants. Basically he hated anyone that was non-white. Billy’s father has money as he is a CEO. He has a big house and a nice car but Billy never sees him though. Billy surfs the internet. He loves Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh. Listens to Fox and Friends.

Billy plots his revenge through an act of murder. He grabs a duffel bag and throws that in the back of his Jaguar.

I rate this EP 5/5*****!!

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