Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Beneath and beyond Barney’s Bar in Elkhart, Indiana.

Barney’s Bar was built as a one-story building in 1900 using brick and frame on a concrete foundation. However part of the building is comprised of two stories. The building size is 8,700 square feet.. (Ref:

This building was originally a school called Concord School which was a one room school building owned and operated by Concord Community Schools during the early 20th century. Today this building is considered to be a historic building. (Ref:

Barney’s Bar purchased Concord School from Concord Community Schools sometime prior to 1979. Exactly when is unknown. Barney’s Bar began using the location in early 1980. The property had their zoning changed from educational to commercial retail. Barney’s Bar was established as a restaurant. (Ref:

According to, Barney's Bar and Resturant is fully equipped with a kitchen bar and dining room. All you need is the food and beverages. (Ref:

Barney’s Bar earned an annual revenue of $440,000.00 a year and employed around 9 employees. Barney’s Bar is one of a few drinking places in Elkhart, Indiana. (Ref:

Barney’s Bar was shut down after a gambling raid in 2003. Illegal electronic gambling machines were being used at Barney’s Bar. Professional gambling is a Class D Felony. The Elkhart County Prosecuting Attorney's Office received a complaint about illegal electronic gambling machines being used at Barney’s Bar. Officers were dispatched to visit the bar to investigate activities of illegal gambling. Bar owner Jerry Crisler was advised of the applicable Indiana statutes and warned that the operation of these electronic gambling machines was illegal. Officers would ““spot check”” bars in Elkhart County to insure compliance. (Ref:

A search warrant was secured was granted by a judge on the 28th of May 2003. Investigators from the Elkhart County Prosecuting Attorney's Office as well as officers of the Elkhart Police Department Special Operations Group and CRB went to the bar at 2:00pm. There were several patrons in the bar and they were asked to leave and the bar was closed while officers conducted their search of the establishment. As a result of the search, officers seized two illegal electronic machines, approximately 5000 pull tabs, records of gambling activity and $5,030 in US Currency. It was believed that the source of these illegal machines has been identified as a business out of Lake County, Indiana. (Ref:

*** MEDIA ADVISORY *** October 28, 2004                                                          


                   The Elkhart County Prosecuting Attorney's Office Organized Crime/Drug Enforcement Unit received a complaint about illegal electronic gambling machines being used at Barney’’s Bar, 2700 Hammond Ave., Elkhart. Officers visited the bar and were able to gamble on the machines and received payouts. They also observed other patrons gambling on the machines as well. Barney’’s Bar was one of the locations that were visited by Investigators from the Elkhart County Prosecuting Attorney's Office in May of 2003. At that time bar owners and club managers were advised of the applicable Indiana statutes and warned that the operation of these machines was illegal. The owner of Barney’’s Bar, Jerry Crisler, age 60, 1230 Eden St., Elkhart,  told Investigator Dave Gizzi that he understood and would not allow the machines back in the bar. This was about the same time as the seizure and filing of criminal charges against Carl Flickenger of Hunter’’s Hideaway in Nappanee. Mr. Flickenger pled guilty to Promoting Gambling charges earlier this month.In May of 2003 Mr. Crisler was advised that officers would “spot check”” bars in Elkhart County to insure compliance and he indicated that he understood the law and would not install the machines again. On the 28th a search warrant was secured and Investigators from the Elkhart County Prosecuting Attorney's Office as well as officers of the Elkhart Police Department Special Operations Group and CRB went to the bar at 2:00pm. There were several patrons in the bar and they were asked to leave and the bar was closed while officers conducted their search of the establishment. As a result of the search, officers seized two illegal electronic machines, approximately 5000 pull tabs, records of gambling activity and $5,030 in US Currency. Prosecutor Curtis T. Hill Jr. will review the facts of the investigation and determine what criminal charges may be filed. Professional gambling is a Class D Felony.It is believed that the source of these illegal machines has been identified as a business out of Lake County Indiana. The Elkhart County Prosecuting Attorney's Office will be in contact with the owners of that business to discuss their activities in Elkhart County.  Chief investigator Bill Wargo stated that “we have information that there may be some other Elkhart County establishments with these same type of machines, if that is the case, this should serve as a warning that while not a priority, the gambling laws will be enforced.”

Jerry Crisler filed for administrative dissolution on July 7, 2009. He effectively put an end to and shut down Barney’s Bar. (Ref:

Elkhart County Sheriff’s Department put the property up on August 12, 2018. The sheriff’s sale was advertised in the Goshen News on August 15, 2018. A $335,673.90 judgement was to be satisfied. Defendant Red Bar&Grill LLC was required the sum as provided for in said Decree with interest and cost. The sale was made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws.  Defendant: Red Bar&Grill LLC was required to pay the counterclaim made by KeyBank National Association. Elkhart County Sheriff’s Department finally sold the property to a private owner on the date of September 26, 2018. (Ref:

ELKHART COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT TO THE OWNERS OF THE WITHIN DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE AND ALL INTERESTED PARTIES NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Sheriff's File Number: 235-18 Date of Sale: September 26, 2018 Goshen News: August 15, 22&29, 2018 Judgment to be Satisfied: $335,673.90 By virtue of a certified copy of a decree to me directed from the Clerk of Superior/Circuit Court of Elkhart County, Indiana, in Cause No. 20D04-1602-CC-00267 Plaintiff: World Business Lenders, LLC; Counterclaim Plaintiff KeyBank National Association Defendant: Red Bar & Grill LLC DBA Barney's Bar, Ronald E. Diller, Red Real Estate LLC, KeyBank National Association required me to make the sum as provided for in said Decree with interest and cost, I will expose at public sale to the highest bidder, at the hour of 10:00 AM of said day as listed above, at the Elkhart County Sheriff's Department, 26861 C.R. 26, Elkhart, IN 46517, the fee simple of the whole body of Real Estate in Elkhart County, Indiana: Legal Description 2700 Hammond Avenue, Elkhart, IN 46516 A part of the West one-half (W 1/2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section Fifteen (15), Township Thirty-seven (37) North of Range Five (5) East, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North line of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of said Section, that is One (1) chain and Fifty-eight (58) links East from the Northwest corner of said Quarter Section; thence East with said North line of said Quarter Sixteen and one-half (16 1/2) rods; thence South Twenty-one (21) rods and Five (5) links to the Northeast margin of the Elkhart-Goshen Road; thence Northwestwardly with the margin of said road Twenty-six (26) rods and Twenty-three (23) links to said beginning point. Containing 1.09 acres. ALSO, the West one-half (W 1/2) of the vacated alley adjacent thereto on the East. EXCEPTING THERE FROM: A part of the above-mentioned vacated alley, more particularly described as follows: Beginning Sixteen and one-half (16 1/2) feet West of the Northwest corner of Lot Fourteen (14) in Hazel Park Addition to the City of Elkhart; thence South One Hundred Forty (140) feet; thence East Eight (8) feet and Three (3) inches; thence North One Hundred Forty (140) feet and (3) inches to Hively Avenue; thence West Eight (8) feet and Three (3) inches to the place of beginning. Subject to public highways. Commonly known as: 2700 Hammond Avenue, Elkhart, IN 46516 Tax Key No. 20-06-15-301-001.000-009 Together with rents, issues, income and profits thereof, said sale will be made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws. This Notice shall also represent service of Notice of Sale of the above-described real estate upon the owners, pursuant to requirements of IC 32-8-16-1. Bradley D. Rogers, Sheriff of Elkhart County Concord Township 2700 Hammond Avenue, Elkhart, IN 46516 The Sheriff's Department does not warrant the accuracy of the address published herein. Patrick F.X. Fitzpatrick, Jr., Attorney Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP One Indiana Square, Suite 3500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 (317) 713-3500 August 15, 22, 29

Barney’s Bar was located at 2700 Hammond Avenue, Elkhart, Indiana, US 46516. Their phone number was 574-522-7383.

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