Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Mixerr Album Reviews #1,891

Son Of Puke was Zoogz Rift’s eighth album which was released in 1987 on the SST label. The album was a “cassette only release” not available on vinyl. Any CD pressings you see of this album are bootlegs and are not official. Those CD-r pressings you see pop up online every now and then are unofficial pressings. This Zoogz Rift album is considered a rarity that is difficult to come by.

Anyway, his whole album is 45 minutes of insane tape manipulation that will drive you out of your skull! To put things simply, the whole album is a sound collage which uses countless samples and snippets.Think synth pop from the 80s using bit crushed distorted sound blips over an electronic soundscape. Zoogz Rift sounds will drive you insane due to the maddening layers worth of instrumentation used.

His word plays and puns are quite humorous. The phrase "If we MEAT you...We will EAT you..." on the cover is clever and hilarious wordplay.

Side A is a hodgepodge of countless samples and snippets of spoken-word and instrumental bits. The mixing samples are offbeat. He plays samples from his collection all seemingly at random. The album caters more towards electronic music though.

Side B is a bootleg of The Transients album. Now The Transients appear to be some sort of smooth jazz group that was a female vocal group which covered Beatles songs on their album. The band also covers some obscure solo Beatle songs on Side B. Their cover of Revolution No. 9 is sped up and unbearable to listen to.

Zoogz claims The Transients cassette tape was rescued from a garbage bin out back behind Denny’s on Sunset Boulevard by Highway 101 in Los Angeles, California. What’s interesting is that Side B has nothing to do with Zoogz Rift but is entirely something different.

I rate this album 3/5***!

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