Monday, December 7, 2020

Exploring even more history about Del Valle Gin Co in Del Valle, Texas.

Del Valle Gin Co was a cotton gin based in Del Valle, Texas at one time. This cotton gin provided cotton for the Del Valle community. Not much history is known or can be found out about the Del Valle Gin Co. of Del Valle, Texas. This news article will attempt to explain the history behind Del Valle Gin Co. Del Valle Gin Co operated under the names of Del Valle Co-op Gin, Del Valle Gin, and Del Valle Gin Company.

Del Valle Gin Co was established by Albin Carl Jacobson sometime during the mid-to-late 19th century. It was established inside the Glenbrook subdivision of Del Valle which is located on TX 71. The cotton gin was established on Meldrum Road one block north of TX 71 (Highway 71). (Ref: Deed Records of Travis County, Volume 5, Page 30)

Del Valle Gin Co competed in the agricultural business of cotton farming with other local cotton gins of Travis County. Del Valle Gin Co was a cotton gin that provided cotton for the Del Valle community. Over 200 people used their services within Southeast Travis County. 200 tons of cotton were produced at this cotton gin owned by Albin Carl Jacobson. (Ref: Deed Records of Travis County, Volume 1950, Page 224)

Now Del Valle Gin Co was on property owned by South Texas Cotton Oil Mill. South Texas Cotton Oil Mill owned this property for more than 40 years. (Ref:

Austin American had reported that Albin Jacobsen was manager of Del Valle Gin Co in 1949. He did the ginning for the Del Valle Cotton Improvement Association, according to John W. Doremus of the US Department of Agriculture cotton classing office. Elmo Cook, county agricultural agent, advised that 43 per cent of the Travis County total ginnings of 13,004 bales was classified under the Smith-Doxey Act this past season. (Ref:

Austin American has the address of Del Valle Gin Co listed under “Route 2, Del Valle” in 1951. So this cotton gin was located one block north of TX 71 by then. (Ref:

The 6 acres of land were sold to several people and Travis County in 1958. Albin Carl Jacobson deeded the land to Milton Cockrum in February 26, 1959. Albin Carl Jacobson was still allowed to operate his cotton gin on the property under a stipulation. (Ref: Deed Records of Travis County, Volume 2013, Page 107)

State of Texas shut down Del Valle Gin Co for non-payment of taxes in mid-1970. This made Del Valle Gin Co a forfeited franchise immediately. That is why Del Valle Gin Co closed. (Ref:

A portion of land from the former cotton gin located on Meldrum Road was deeded to Robbie Lee Ellis on November 11, 1972. Robbie Lee Ellis had everything on the property cleared in 1973. All that remain was gravel. (Ref: Deed Records of Travis County, Volume 4501, Page 1870)

Today Nothing remains of Del Valle Gin except for the concrete driveways. Today Del Valle Gin is one of the forgotten cotton gins of Travis County.

Del Valle Gin Co was located on 3000 Meldrum Road, Del Valle, Texas, US 78617.

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