Monday, January 11, 2021

History behind McNeil Store Cave explained and explored.

Not many people know this but there was once a cave located underneath the McNeil Post Office and McNeil Store in McNeil, Texas. Underneath the 161-year-old structure which currently serves as the McNeil Post Office and McNeil Store was a 40 foot long cave where customers and Austin White Lime employees used to park their horses and carriages down there out of the sun while they shopped at the McNeil Store. (Ref:

“Immediately underneath the 123-year-old structure is a cave which Sanders says is about 40 feet long. It has been almost completely sealed off-in recent years, but in the past customers and employees alike used to park their horses and carriages down there out of the sun while they shopped.”

The petrified body of a man found in a lime kiln near Sam Bass Cave at this cave in 1887. The Austin Weekly Statesman reported about the finding of this petrified body of a man in their newspaper. (Ref:

“Workman at the J. B. Rogers Co.'s lime kiln, yesterday afternoon, found the petrified body of a man. The locality of the kiln is near the Sam Bass cave, and as this interesting relic was found on top of the ground, a close investigation might develop something else equally as interesting.”

McNeil Store Cave was located at 14001 McNeil Road, McNeil, Texas, US 78651. The current address for McNeil Store Cave is 14001 McNeil Road, Austin, Texas, US 78728.

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