Thursday, January 7, 2021

Short history of Double Branch School in Volente, Texas explored.

Double Branch School is one of the lesser known schools of Travis County and Volente. Not too much history is known or is documented about this school. This news article will explore and attempt to further explain the history behind Double Branch School.

Double Branch School was built as a one-room log cabin sometime during the 1870s between Lime Creek and Anderson Mill. Double Branch School was part of the Volente School District. Volente School District was responsible for operating this school. Double Branch School was a 1-9 school which educated students in grades 1 though 9.

This school has survived best of times and worst of times during rough conditions. Volente citizens pushed to keep Double Branch School for a long time.

However this school would soon enough face school consolidation during the early 1940s. Double Branch School, along with Volente School and Long Hollow School, were consolidated into Leander ISD in 1944 along with Double Branch School. Its students were sent to the Leander School in Leander. The Double Branch School was moved to somewhere in Marble Falls in 1945. Exactly where is unknown.

Double Branch School was located somewhere on Lime Creek Road, Volente, Texas, US 78641.

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