Thursday, September 16, 2021

The history of Laguna Gloria Art School in Austin, Texas, explored.

Laguna Gloria Art School was originally a house mansion established by Clara Driscoll and Henry Hulme Sevier in 1916 outside the city limits of Austin, Texas, US. The Laguna Gloria house mansion is 3 stories tall with a basement underground. Their house was knows as a place where social gatherings of international politicians and dignified art shows were held. The landscape design of Laguna Gloria allowed Clara to manifest her passion of gardening and artistry.

In the 1920s, many social gatherings were held at this location. Clara Driscoll and her family established their house mansion here because of Austin being the capital of Texas and the city was of great beauty. Clara Driscoll thought Austin, Texas was the logical location for an art school. As Clara held passion of gardening and artistry, she later made the Laguna Gloria house mansion into the campus for Laguna Gloria Art School Many buildings were later built for the Laguna Gloria Art School. Gardening landscapes are common throughout the land property of the Laguna Gloria due to Clara's gardening passion.

In 1940, the house mansion was renovated with modernized utilities such as indoor plumbing and sewer pipelines. This upgrade made sanitation much easier. Living conditions of the house mansion and Laguna Gloria Art School were improved overtime. However the original doors stayed in their place. Interior design structure was left the same on the inside.

In 1943, the family of Clara Driscoll donated their Laguna Gloria house mansion to the City of Austin, Government of Texas, and eventually the Texas Historical Commission. The Laguna Gloria house mansion was registered with both the National Register of Historic Places and Texas Historical Commission in 1975. The Laguna Gloria house mansion later received a recorded Texas Historic Landmark in 1983.

Ever since the founding of the Laguna Gloria house mansion, this particular establishment is now an Austin icon as well as a historic landmark. Many artwork structures such as statues, sculptures, woodwork, paintings, and various other art forms have been donated to Laguna Gloria Art School and Laguna Gloria house mansion by various artists over the years.

More extensions to the newer buildings added on as additions to accompany increased enrollment in 1990. 2 elevators added inside the Laguna Gloria house mansion to comply with US Federal Law called ADA Law. 6 buildings were built to accompany increased enrollment at the end of the 20th century.

In 2016, the Texas Historical Commission had finished revitalized the house mansion as well as the Laguna Gloria Art School. Today the house mansion of Laguna Gloria serves as the campus for Laguna Gloria Art School offering many various art classes and courses.

[The Laguna Gloria house mansion came before the Laguna Gloria Art School. The Laguna Gloria itself had eventually became the Laguna Gloria Art School. Fact remains that the original Laguna Gloria house mansion still resides in its original location.]

Laguna Gloria Art School is located at 3809 West 35th Street, Austin, Texas, US 78703.

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