Monday, September 30, 2019

History of Hazelton School in Flint, Michigan explored.

Hazelton School is one of the forgotten schools of Flint, Michigan. Only so much history of this school has been preserved both online and offline.

Hazelton School bka Hazelton Elementary School was established in 1843 as a log cabin in what was the precursor to Flint Community School District called Union Free School District. This school would operate in a single story log cabin until 1867.

In 1867, the log cabin was replaced with a 3-story brick building which included a basement, blacktop, and soccer field. Renovations were made in 1877. The school became a 3-room building. Despite being 3 stories tall, the building was only a 3-room building.

Hazelton School was named after George Hazelton. George Hazelton was a business person and educator. He had strong and firm beliefs in education.

Hazelton School would receive more modifications, alterations, and renovations as the school was torn down in 1903 with a more modern building equipped with amenities. Ramps for the physically handicapped were installed as well. Clark & Munger were the architects responsible for designing Hazelton School. The school building had terrazzo floors and doors made out of oak. The oak woodwork was the most notable feature throughout the entire school building. (Ref:"hazelton+school"+flint&source=bl&ots=mRchZegQHa&sig=ACfU3U0I6ubiwfiVYDjWlAXyXrIhoJlL-w&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwir1NzU_ODkAhVOUK0KHSqPAAwQ6AEwEnoECAgQAQ#v=onepage&q="hazelton school" flint&f=false)
Clark & Munger were the architects for Hazelton School.

Hazelton School was largely improved through the efforts of George Hazelton in 1904. It was through his untiring perseverance that the school received adequate funding. He had strong and firm beliefs in education. (Ref:;view=fulltext)
Hazelton School in 1911.


By 1916, Hazelton School had increased to 10 rooms due to the phenomenal growth of Flint. During the 1916-1917 school year, Hazelton School had an addition built to accommodate the school as conditions were already growing overcrowded in the main building. This addition was built with a seating capacity of 280 at a cost of $58,000 dollars. (Ref:;view=image;q1=roosevelt)
Floor plans of Hazelton School.

Durant School aka Durant Elementary School (now Durant Turri Mott School) was built to replace Hazelton School in the 1920s. (Ref:

Hazelton School would not last forever. This school was one of the many schools in Flint that would be later closed down and demolished. Hazelton School was no exception to this case. Hazelton School was leveled in 1966 for a parking lot. (Ref: Flint Journal, Looking Back, March 28, 2004)

Hazelton School was located at West Second Street (West 2nd Street) & Hazelton Street, Flint, Michigan, US 48502.

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