Monday, July 6, 2020

Mixerr Album Reviews #2,149

Russian Robot - No Difference is an energetic hard rock album with a flair of pop music inside. The album brings a breath of freshness which is what music has been really missing for a long time. No autotune or trap. Just straight hard rock backed by a single electric guitar by one person. Brett McQuiggan of Federal Bison plays guitar by himself on the Russian Robot album. Russian Robot - No Difference was released on YouTube in July 3, 2020 and is now available to stream.

Sometimes we need somebody to show us what we are missing in life and to show us how we can get there. Sometimes there is no difference. We just have to wait to see what tomorrow brings. We are all waiting for a change to strive for something better. That is what the song No Difference is about. No Difference starts off with Brett playing a single acoustic guitar but quickly turns into hard rock just after one minute.

The Corner Of My Eye deals with the pain of being left behind along with leaving everything behind. Those thoughts are shadows of the corner of your eye. Time flies into saturation fast and quickly. Oh how time flies. Drinking wine to pass the time is fine. Not to mention classy.

Everything Will Be Alright (Wash Your Hands) is the COVID-19 awareness filled song telling us to wash our hands to prevent spreading germs. The song raises awareness and gives instructions of how to handle the deadly COVID-19 virus that is currently a global pandemic. The song gives us a sense of security that everything will be alright if we just listen to scientists and doctors. Everything will be alright if we wash our hands.

Tear In is a hard rock powered song driven with a hard edge. The grittiness of hard rock is what makes this song enjoyable to listen to.

Queen is a powerful hard rock driven instrumental backed by a single electric guitar and a drum kit. The song was beautiful. However only downside to this instrumental is the shortness in duration. Brett plays guitar and drums by himself on Queen.

Blue Stone is a hard rock driven song with a mellow vibe.

I rate this album 4/5****!

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