Saturday, December 19, 2020

French film Cuties a new low for Netflix.

Netflix has stooped to a new low as of 2020 after streaming the controversial French film Cuties which focuses on the hypersexualization of young pre-adolescent girls. The film focuses on the basis of a preteen twerk team who enter in a dance contest. Which alone is downright creepy and horrifying. Leave the French to sexualize everything. Of course that’s part of French culture. Pedophilia has become a new standard. Even on Netflix.

The hypersexualization of pre-adolescent girls is what made this film so controversial and had the world up in arms during 2020. Which is what this film focused on primarily. How is in the work is this ok? In what country is this acceptable?

I can't believe this passes for entertainment. Who in their right mind would consider this to be entertainment? So it’s official. Netflix has stooped to a new low. Pedophilia has become a new standard in society and not only just in French culture. Cuties is the worst movie of 2020.

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