Thursday, December 31, 2020

History of Rock Springs School in San Antonio, Texas explored.

 Rock Springs School is one of the many forgotten schools of San Antonio and Bexar County. Not too much history about this school has been very well preserved online or offline. Rock Springs School was a negro school used to educate African American students.

Mr. W. J. Edwards has donated two acres of land in the southeast portion of Bexar County in Adkins, Texas to Bexar County Common School District for what was to become as Rock Springs School in 1883. “Mr. W. J. Edwards has donated two acres of land at Rock Springs, in the southeast portion of Bexar County, for what is to be known as the Rock Springs School.” Rock Springs School was located just westward of Loop 1604 on US 87. (Ref:

Rock Springs School was established as a negro school by the Bexar County Common School District sometime in 1887 during the 1887-1888 school year. The school educated students in grades 1 through 9. 10th grade was added sometime later during the late 19th century. Rock Springs School was  an established negro school by 1920.

East Central School District (East Central Independent School District) annexed the school into their school district with Boldtville School in 1948.

Due to the Supreme Court ruling in 1954 which ruled that public schools were forced to racially integrated, Rock Springs School was forced to close down. The school was an all black school. Students were bused to the white schools when Rock Springs School was closed. (Ref:

The building for Rock Springs School was still standing in 1956 according to minutes from a TXDOT document. Rock Springs School was located on US 87 just westward of Loop 1604. (Ref: TXDOT Minute Order 040955, 11/21/1956)

Rock Springs School was demolished to name way for road expansion of Loop 1604 in 1960. Highway expansion was the reason this school had been demolished. East Central School District, Bexar County, and TXDOT had planned demolition for this school all along. No traces of Rock Springs School remains today.

Rock Springs School was located near 12101 US 87, Adkins, Texas, US 78101.

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