Thursday, July 22, 2021

Explaining some history behind Spindletop College (Spindletop Junior College) in Beaumont, Texas.

The Spindletop College (Spindletop Junior College) is one of the most forgotten schools and colleges of Beaumont, Texas. The history of this college has not been well archived or preserved. This news article will explain the history behind Spindletop College (Spindletop Junior College).

Spindletop Junior College was established and constructed on the site of Spindletop Oil Field in 1912 after the discovery of oil on the south side of Beaumont.

However Spindletop College (Spindletop Junior College) was not your ordinary school which taught subjects mandated by TEA curriculum requirements. As described in Volume 56 of The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, the lessons being taught were described as “legion” for some apparent reason. “The lessons learned in Spindletop school were legion. Drilling techniques were revolutionized. Howard Hughes' drill bits born here of experience are now used around the world.” (Ref: The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 56, July 1952 - April 1953, Page 573)

So Spindletop College (Spindletop Junior College) taught their students how to use drill bits, install oil drill bits, and oil drilling techniques. The Southwestern Historical Quarterly clearly states that students attending Spindletop School were mainly being educated on how to use oil drill bits. Students as young as elementary schoolers were learning these techniques. College students were learning how to use these techniques in Spindletop Oil Field  and oil fields around the golden triangle area. (Ref: The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 56, July 1952 - April 1953, Pages 573-575)

Southwestern Historical Quarterly reported that Spindletop Junior College was the site of “the spawning ground for the technical know-how used in operating and developing the oilfields that belt the globe” by the 1950s. (Ref:

Spindletop College operated throughout the 20th century until its closure in 1970. The Spindletop Junior College became part of the Lamar University Campus that same year. However the Spindletop School building was not being used. Spindletop Junior College sat abandoned for a while before being renovated years later.

The Lamar Social Data Center opened on the date of October 19, 1977 and was sharing a wing of the old Spindletop School with the Lamar Media Center. The center served local social service agencies by collecting and archiving data on the quality and delivery of social services. The Lamar Social Data Center also served as a training ground for students studying the field of social services. (Ref: Lamar University Press,

However this building was only open to university students and faculty. The Lamar Social Data Center was off limits to the public.

The Lamar Social Data Center was opened to the public on the date of April 8, 1978 after being renovated. The school building had been renovated after sitting abandoned for a number of years. The building fell into a state of disrepair after sitting abandoned ad much renovation work needed to be done. (Ref:

Students earned up to 12 semester hours of elective credit in their junior and senior years while attending classes at the Lamar Social Data Center and while working half-days in local law firms. Admission was by permission of the head of the Department of Government. (Ref:

The address for Spindletop School was 950 East Florida Avenue, Beaumont, Texas, US 77705.

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