Saturday, July 24, 2021

History of Creath Memorial Baptist Church in Laredo, Texas explained and explored.

Creath Memorial Baptist Church is one of the forgotten churches of Laredo, Texas. This news article will explain and explore the history behind and pertaining to Creath Memorial Baptist Church.


Creath Memorial Baptist Church was originally known as First Baptist Church of Laredo and was organized in 1881. Three months after the church was organized, the membership voted to change the name to Creath Memorial Baptist Church. Elder John D. Wright, of Austin, was called as the first pastor. (Ref:

Creath Memorial Baptist Church was chartered in 1882 as a corporation by Southern Baptist Association, Rio Grande Baptist Association, and First Baptist Church. (Ref:


A church building was built on Matamoros Street in 1888 for Creath Memorial Baptist Church. The church building on Matamoros Street was built with funds raised by The Ladies Aid Society. They raised funds through sewing, quilting, and local projects. The first baptism was held on February 19, 1888.  In the early 1890’s a parsonage was completed, a Sunday School Superintendent and assistant were elected. Also the first deacon, R. C. Randal, was elected at this time. Furniture such as pews and chairs were ordered in 1891.

Another church building for Creath Memorial Baptist Church was built in 1901 as a brick Romanesque Revival style building. (Ref:

In 1910, Creath Memorial Baptist Church performed a special musical called “Wanted a Man” during the evening. (Ref:

Creath Memorial Baptist church preached on the Resurrection in the morning and in the evening “Wanted a Man.” special music was rendered by the choir and the auditorium of the church was prettily decorated. At the Christian church Rev. D. D. Boyle delivered an excellent sermon in the morning choosing as his subject “He is Risen”, In the evening the children of the Sunday school delighted a large congregation who were in attendance by rendering a cantata. It was a very appropriate service and was thoroughly enjoyed by all in attendance as were all the other churches the Christian church was a beautiful vision to the eye as the sermon and service in general allowed a delightful vision to the mind.

Creath Memorial Baptist Church closed in 1963 and was later renovated by Laredo ISD to serve as their boardroom. Laredo ISD currently owns the Creath Memorial Baptist Church building. (Ref:

Creath Memorial Baptist Church was located at 1620 Houston Street, Laredo, Texas, US 78040.

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