Saturday, July 24, 2021

History of Newton Jenkins School in Waco, Texas explored.

Newton Jenkins School is one of the forgotten schools of Waco, Texas. Only so much history is known about Newton Jenkins School. This news article will explain the history behind Newton Jenkins School and what exactly happened to Newton Jenkins School. Newton Jenkins School was also known as J. Newton Jenkins Elementary School.

La Vega ISD purchased land in the East Riverside neighborhood located northeast of I 35 in 1950. What La Vega ISD purchased was a 453,721 square foot lot which would boast an elementary school called Newton Jenkins School. Newton Jenkins School was established as an elementary school called J. Newton Jenkins Elementary School and opened in 1951.

Cornerstone ceremonies were held for J. Newton Jenkins Elementary School in 1951. These cornerstone ceremonies commemorated the opening of J. Newton Jenkins Elementary School. (Ref:

An oil painting of the late Dr. J. Newton Jenkins was held in the foyer of J. Newton Jenkins Elementary School on March 2, 1952. Principal J. J. Wilson of Moore High School spoke of the great influence Dr. Jenkins had upon youths, and Rev. M. C. Griffin, who succeeded Dr. Jenkins as pastor of New Hope Baptist Church, also spoke. (Ref:

Dedication services of the J. Newton Jenkins Elementary School were held in the auditorium of the school on Sunday, April 27, 1952. Mrs. J. N. Jenkins, widow of Mr. J. N. Jenkins, was one of the speakers at dedication of the J. Newton Jenkins Elementary School. (Ref:


“Since the school was first organized the buildings have been located in several places and the new building is now on the loop highway in East Waco. MRS. J. N. JENKINS was one of the speakers at dedication of the J. Newton Jenkins school, named for her late husband. The school is in the La Vega District.”


An enrollment of 1,650 students was expected in the fall of 1953 as population statistics predicted by Waco News-Tribune. (Ref:

Principal J. W. Yancy II stated 340 students were now enrolled in J. Newton Jenkins Elementary School at the beginning of the 1953-1954 school year. (Ref:, 340 are now enrolled in school)

340 in Jenkins School

Principal J. W. Yancy II, of J. Newton Jenkins Elementary School announced last week that 340 are now enrolled in school. He expects an increase when cotton picking season is over.


150 graduation certificates were given to 150 9th graders by the principal of J. Newton Jenkins Elementary School at the end of the 1956-1957 school year. (Ref:

[J. Newton Jenkins Elementary School will award graduation certificates to 150 ninth graders Friday at 10:00 a. m. by Principal Dr. J. W. Yancy.]

J. G. Wheeler was principal of J. Newton Jenkins Elementary School since the beginning of the 1960-1961 school year. (Ref:

 J. Newton Jenkins Elementary School had seen  a decrease in enrollment due to a shift in the population. Residents were unhappy because students are being transported across town from Waco and other cities to Jenkins. (Ref:

[He said Jenkins Elementary School (Negro) had a decrease in enrollment due to a shift in the population. He said some residents are unhappy because students are being transported across town to Jenkins which is near the General Tire plant. “We can't abandon a perfectly good school just because people are moving out of the district,” said Cranfill. La Vega integrated 1 his year for the first time in its history. Forty-one Negroes are attending formerly all white schools. Twelve are attending classes in La Vega High School, 12 in La Vega Elementary School, seven in East La Vega Elementary, and 10 in La Vega Intermediate School.]

The grade span of J. Newton Jenkins Elementary School ranged from Grade 1 to Grade 5 during the 1968-1969 school year. This was not usually normal as most was elementary schools operated on a 1-6 grade span plan during that year. (Ref:


J. Newton Jenkins Elementary School was shut down in 1971 due to low enrollment and shift in population changes.

“Those students transferred to Alta Vista from the closed Jenkins Elementary School will continue to attend Alta Vista All other children in the Oakwood area will attend Meadowbrook. As in the case of the Valley area students, grades six through 12 will be attended at the appropriate centers in the University Sector. All Kirk Wilson children will attend South Waco Elementary for grades one through five.”


Two large frame buildings from J. Newton Jenkins Elementary School were put up for bid in the classified ads section of the Waco News-Tribune in 1971. These buildings were to be sold to be moved or wrecked on site. (Ref:


Also a proposal for the purchase of the newly acquired Jenkins School site and buildings was to be discussed in October 1971. (Ref:

“The school business office has advertised for bids on the Jenkins Elementary School property located at 1500 E. Webster and offers received will be available for board examination and discussion. The administration will also recommend to the board that students annexed into the Waco District recently and living in the Sharondale Addition be exempt from making further tuition payments.”


Vernon Cole of Texas Concrete Works was the high bidder who won the Jenkins Elementary School property at the Waco Independent School District board meeting in 1971. The bid for the 9.5 acre tract was $39,995 00 and was awarded to Texas Concrete. However the buildings were unusable due to vandalism. So the building were used as storage warehouses for concrete instead. (Ref:, Jenkins School Property Sold To Texas Concrete)

[Vernon Cole of Texas Concrete Works was high bidder on the Jenkins Elementary School property 1500 E Webster at the Waco Independent School District board meeting last Thursday The bid for the 9.5 acre tract was $39,995 00 and was awarded to Texas Concrete A bid for almost $21,000 was also received. Cole said, “the buildings were totally unusable because of vandalism but they could use the land” Trustee Lyndon Olson moved that funds received from the sale of Jenkins Elementary be used for maintenance and repaid of existing buildings after discussion of where to place the funds it was decided to earmark the money for placement fund in the construction. Trustees also voted to tentatively set April 1 and 17 as make-up days for the lost tune caused by recent bad weather Superintendent Avery Downing told the board that if more bad weather occurs in January or February it will either be made up during the spring holidays or school can continue into June. Downing said the city of Waco is proposing that the city continue assessing and collecting the district taxes and that the school district pay half of the cost of running the tax office which would be between $12,000 to $14,000 per month The school district is currently studying several proposals for using data processing.]

Texas Concrete Works sold the property to Wacon Corp on a warranty deed in 2003. Wacon Corp sold the property to Stephen S Garner in 2009. (Ref: McLennan County Land Deeds, Instrument #2009030220)

Stephen S Garner was the trustee for this property. The property was sold again in 2015 when Stephen S Garner transferred Waco Industrial Foundation. Waco Industrial Foundation is the current owner of this property. (Ref:

Newton Jenkins School was located at 1500 East Webster Avenue, Waco, Texas, US 76706.

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