Saturday, September 18, 2021

A glimpse of the former McEachern Gin in Austin, Texas.

This news article will explain what the former McEachern Gin in Austin, Texas was. The McEachern Gin was a cotton gin owned and operated by Carl McEachern.

Carl A. McEachern owned and operated McEachern Gin since the early 20th century. The exact date of when McEachern Gin established is unknown.

McEachern Gin had been ginning and growing cotton in what was then preferably known as “the sand land belt of the county” 20 miles from Austin near Manor on Webberville Road in 1940. (Ref:

“The cotton, grown in the sand land belt of the county, was ginned at McEachern's gin, 20 miles from Austin near Manor, Houston has consistently brought in early cotton in his community. His bale was first ginned at McEachern's last year.”

Both D. E. McEachern and C. A. McEachern had been owning and operating McEachern Gin in the year of 1942. (Ref:

W. R. Gilbert of McEachern Gin forecasted a considerable increase in ginnings from 876 to 1,000 on a constant acreage 2,500 acres 1951 and in 1952. He also estimated a pulling price of $1.50 per hundred in weight, a picking price of $2.50, including weighing and hauling. (Ref:

“W. R. GILBERT, McEachern Gin, Hornsby-Dunlap, forecasts a considerable increase in ginnings 876 to 1,000 on a constant acreage 2,500 acres last year and this. He also estimates a pulling price of $1.50 per hundredweight, a picking price of $2.50, including weighing and hauling. ALTON WEISS of Cele is one of the few ginners forecasting a decline in number of bales ginned this season.”

The McEachern Gin was renamed to Faught Gin aka Faught Gin Co. sometime in the mid-20th century. Faught Gin was formerly the Carl McEachern Gin. (Ref:

Travis County's first reported cotton rolled out of the presses of the Faught Gin Company on the Webberville Road on a late Monday afternoon on July 30, 1962. Farmer Neche Banda had two bales, each weighing 525 pounds, baled for him at 5:30 p.m. The cotton was produced on the J. B. Marley Place on Rt. 1, Webberville Road. (Ref:

“Travis County's first reported cotton rolled out of the presses of the Faught Gin Company on the Webberville Road late Mon day afternoon. Farmer Neche Banda had two bales, each weighing 525 pounds, baled for him at 5:30 p.m. The cotton was produced on the J. B. Marley Place on Rt. 1, Webberville Road. number.”

Herbert Heine and B. M. Faught had been the managers in charge of operating and ginning Faught Gin Co. from 1965 and onwards. (Ref:

McEachern Gin was located somewhere on Webberville Road, in Austin, Texas, US. The original addresses for McEachern Gin were 1128 FR 969, RT 1, Austin, TX and 1128 FM 969, Austin, Texas, US. (Ref:

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