Saturday, October 30, 2021

History of the TCQ Cemetery/TCQ Family Cemetery explained and explored.

The TCQ Cemetery/TCQ Family Cemetery is one of San Antonio’s newer and most recent cemeteries which has been established inside of the jurisdiction of Bexar County. This news article will explain what TCQ Cemetery is.

Gloria A. Quintanilla filled in an application for a certificate of dedication of land for exclusive use for a family cemetery on October 5, 2017 with Bexar County and the State of Texas. Gloria A. Quintanilla is the sole owner of TCQ Cemetery bka TCQ Family Cemetery which is located on part of a larger tract of land which she is the sole owner of. (Ref: Bexar County Land Deeds, Book 18785, Page 1795)

TCQ Family Cemetery was established and plotted on a 0.305 acre tract of land in late 2017 with a total of 20 burial plots. 4 foot wide walkways are between each grave. Each grave plot is a 16 x 10 foot plot. Tract B has been reserved for future expansion. The total capacity of this cemetery can hold up to 30 graves. This family cemetery is 0.305 acre tract of land on a 2 acre tract of land.


Tony C. Quintanilla is one of the people who are buried at TCQ Family Cemetery. This cemetery is an active family cemetery and is off limits to the public. (Ref: Bexar County Land Deeds, Document Number 20200020253)

TCQ Cemetery/TCQ Family Cemetery is located near the vicinity of Ladd Road and Wheeler Road, Atascosa, Texas, US 78002.

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