Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Mixerr Album Reviews #2,566

2 Low’s album Problem Child was a wild braggadocious and shockingly explicit rap album due to the amount of expletives and subject matter. 2 Low was cussing his ass off all over the place on this album of his with a nasty curse-filled rap style. Just being disobedient. Every track on here is bass heavy with lots of funk samples. The lyrics don't fall short either. 2 Low gave the listeners a perspective of a dysfunctional child growing up in the streets of Houston, Texas. People always talk about how crazy and how bad kids are today but they don’t always understand what some of us have to deal with. 2-Low was Rap-A-Lot’s answer to Shyheim The Rugged Child and Kris Kross. He was Rap A Lot's kid rapper.

The album had the Rap-A-Lot sound of the time from the iconic production team of N.O. Joe, John Bido, Tony “Big Chief” Randle, James Smith, and Scarface. His album has Houston written all over it thanks to the presence of Scarface and John Bido. You can hear the work of N.O. Joe and John Bido all over 2 Low’s Problem Child album. That G-Funk sound. The sounds of funk, rap, hip hop, and children’s music can be heard on this album. 

The Problem Child album was first advertised as “The 2 Low album” in the COMING SOON section of the Scarface - The World Is Yours album back in 1993. The advertisement for the then-upcoming 2 Low album was listed underneath the advertisement of the DMG ‎– Rigormortiz album. The advertisement was printed up in a monochromatic black and white color school. However the Problem Child album was not advertised as the “Problem Child” album but instead as “THE 2 LOW ALBUM” for whatever. Probably as a marketing gimmick concocted by James Smith.  

The Problem Child album was recorded first before the Funky Lil Brotha album was recorded in 1990 when 2 Low was 10 years old. That’s how young he was when he recorded those songs. The Problem Child album was supposed to be released before the Funky Lil Brotha album. The Funky Lil Brotha album was supposed to be the follow-up album to Problem Child. However this did not end up happening. The amount of expletives, obscene language, and  subject matter at that age and that time was too controversial. Even with Rap A Lot being Rap A Lot.  So James Smith told 2 Low to change the subject matter and record new songs. Now these new songs were recorded for what would become known as today as the Funky Lil Brotha album.

Songs such as Funky Lil Nigga (Funky Lil Aggin), Bring Get It On, Problem Child, and Came Na Gedown were recorded originally recorded for the Problem Child album. However James Smith made the decision to use 2 Low’s songs recorded for the Problem Child album on other Rap A Lot albums. That is why those songs were used on other albums.

Funky Lil Nigga (Funky Lil Aggin) was used on the 1993 album Scarface - The World Is Yours. Buck Em Down was used on the 1993 album DMG ‎– Rigormortiz. Bring Get It On was used on the 1993 album Geto Boys ‎– Till Death Do Us Part. Funky Lil Brotha was used on the 1993 album 2 Low ‎– Funky Lil Brotha. Came Na Gedown was used on the 1994 album Odd Squad ‎– Fadanuf Fa Erybody. Yes that Odd Squad album.

James Smith decided to have 2 Low’s Problem Child album was butchered up into the kid friendly Funky Lil Brotha album which was released in 1993 with not as much obscene language. Songs such as Boo Ya, Funky Lil Brotha, Here We Go, Class Clown, Da Hood, and Growing Up Ain't Easy were recorded for the Problem Child album but were later used for the Funky Lil Brotha album in lieu of Problem Child. The rest of the songs that were recorded for the Problem Child album were archived and remain in Rap A Lot’s vaults. The Problem Child album and those songs remain unreleased to this day.

To sum it all up, Problem Child was a completed full length album which was never released. The rest of the songs that were recorded for the Problem Child album were archived and remain in Rap A Lot’s vaults. The Problem Child album and those songs remain unreleased to this day. The songs recorded for Problem Child were stored on reel to reels and ADAT tapes. Those reel to reels and ADAT tapes are hidden in Rap A Lot’s vaults.

There are several reasons as to why the 2 Low - Problem Child album was never released.

The big reasons as to why this album was never released was due to the amount of expletives, obscene language, and subject matter. The 2 Low - Problem Child album was never released due to amount of expletives, obscene language, and subject matter for 2 Low’s at that age during that time. A kid rapper using that much amount of expletives in their songs was unfathomable in the 1990s unlike the current modern standards of today. The obscene language he used back then was not marketable or appropriate for a teenage rapper or a pre-teen rapper.

Another reason as to why this album was never released was due to the musical style. James Smith felt that the songs 2 Low recorded for the Problem Child album were too gutter and simply too explicit to ever be released. So he had 2 Low record kid friendly rap songs for the album such as Class Clown, Growing Up Ain't Easy, and Funky Lil Brotha in lieu of the songs Lil Nigga (Funky Lil Aggin), Let's Get It On, Send Ya Fa Mama, Pain, and Came Na Gedown. Those were the songs which 2 Low had already recorded prior to the Funky Lil Brotha album.

The other reasons were backlash and criticism. If Rap A Lot released the Problem Child album during that time in the 1990s, they would have received a lot of criticism and backlash from politicians, critics, and opponents. Even though Rap A Lot had nationwide distribution from Priority Records during that time.

Should this album be released? No because of the current social climate and political climate of “cancel culture” and political correctness would protest the release of this album. Plus the production of this album would sound dated in 2022. Plus the buzz for the album has died down after 30+ years. No one is looking for a 2 Low album in 2022. His career is pretty much over at this point.

Should the album have been released in 1993 as originally planned? Yes. The time would have been perfect for Rap A Lot to release the Problem Child album with the burgeoning rise of kiddie rap during that time. Anywhere from 1991 to 1994 would have been a perfect time for James Smith to release the Problem Child album. However due to amount of expletives, obscene language, and subject matter for 2 Low’s at that age during that time would have been protested due to criticism and backlash from politicians, critics, and opponents alike.

Funky Lil Nigga is a funky funk rap song where 2 Low and Scarface test their lyrical abilities and skills. 2 Low explains to us why he is one funky lil nigga.  2 Low is a funky lil nigga. Funk meets rap on Funky Lil Nigga. John Bido’s sound can be heard all over the song.

Funky Lil Nigga was the explicit version of Funky Lil Brotha. Funky Lil Nigga was originally recorded for the Problem Child album in 1990 when 2 Low was 10 years old. However James Smith felt that 2 Low was being too explicit and inappropriate for his age during that time. The amount of expletives and subject matter would have received a lot of criticism and backlash from politicians, critics, and opponents alike had the song and album been released. The obscene language he used back then was not marketable or appropriate for a teenage rapper or a pre-teen rapper.

So he put the song on the 1993 album Scarface - The World Is Yours instead. That is why and how the explicit version of Funky Lil Brotha called Funky Lil Nigga was used on the 1993 album Scarface - The World Is Yours.

James Smith had 2 Low record Funky Lil Nigga as Funky Lil Brotha instead later that year prior to 1991.  Funky Lil Nigga was later reworked and remixed into the kid friendly clean rap cut we all know today as Funky Lil Brotha.

That funky lil niggaroe 2 Low is coming back with a brand new cut and you can new jack swing on his nuts.
Because he has got the shit so tight. A young nigga doin damage to the mic. He is 13 but he ain’t dumb. So bring it on if you muthafuckas want some. Cover your dome because it's on once again. He’s a young nigga that's known to win. He got his street sense from these muthafuckin streets, bitch. Kickin shit live.

2 Low is comin real because he ain't fucking with that weak shit. Pass him the joint and let him kick it for the old folks. All the O.G.'s back in the hood that once sold dope. Runnin the game. He’s got a bank account so he can stack some g's and have nice things like Cutlass on d's with a coat of fresh candy paint. He’s got a bank account so he can be set for life when he’s grown. And fuckin with this whip before he’s old enough to drive.

His teachers can't stand me 'cause he give them no respect. He ain't sayin "M'am, yes M'am" until you're signing him a check. So you can miss him with all that muthafuckin bum shit. Fuck the dumb shit. You ain't his mother and he ain't your fuckin son. So in reality, bitch, you gets none. 2 Low is gettin busy on this muthafuckin track for ya. Because 2 Low is the funky lil nigga.

Here we go once again with the real shit! Throw your hands in the air if you can feel this! 2 Low bring styles after styles after styles too. He can't be faded with the shit as he is a young troop. He sports them Nikes. Not the Reeboks or K-Swiss. And while we’re on the subject of feet, let me say this. 2 Low kicks ass like Bruise Lot. Real niggas do die.

Let me and him squash this shit. 2 Low is rippin up shit in '93 like a chainsaw. 2 Low is Hiram-Clarke where these niggas don't fist-fight. They got they muthafuckin pistols shooting shit junk. Just enough to get your punk ass lit up. He can square the shit off right by makin niggas say, "Goddamn, that little nigga raw!" It's not about the set he claims because he don't bang. 2 Low is just a nigga from the hood who let his nuts hang. 2 Low is the funky lil nigga.

Well, it's Scarface is kickin shit with the funky lil nigga steady getting bigger. Let me hit the swisher and let me show you what my juice is like. Scarface passed the forty (40 oz.) his partner. Now he's ready to roll. However we all know that 2 Low ain’t down with that. Scarface and 2 Low are the real deal. Scarface and 2 Low were knockin niggas on their ass like Evander Holyfield.  Fuckin up the beat is what Scarface is known for. And the funky lil nigga is who this muthafuckin song's for. 2 Low is the funky lil nigga.

Once upon a time there lived Lucky. Lucky got fucked because Lucky tried to fuck Scarface. Hey yo, Scarface I gave the boy some shit. Lucky came up short and then he got his ass side-kicked. So Scarface had to cut him up like a tractor.

2 Low is the funky lil nigga. 2 Low is a funky lil nigga.

Funky Lil Brotha is a funky funk rap song where 2 Low and Scarface test their lyrical abilities and skills. 2 Low explains to us why he is one funky lil brotha. Funk meets rap on Funky Lil Brotha. John Bido’s sound can be heard all over the song.

This is the clean version of Funky Lil Nigga. This is a kid friendly clean rap cut James Smith had 2 Low record in 1993 for what was intended to be his second album Funky Lil Brotha which subsequently became his debut instead. The lyrics were changed and altered from the explicit version of Funky Lil Nigga.

2 Low is that funky lil brotha coming back with a brand new cut and you can new jack swing on his. Because he got this here so tight. 2 Low is (was) a young playa doin damage to the mic. You sho' right. He’s 13 but he ain't dumb. So bring it on if you little bustas want some. Cover your dome because it's on once again. He’s a young playa that's known to win. He got his street sense from these hardcore streets, trick.

2 Low is comin real because he ain't bumpin no weak hits. Pass him the mic and let me kick it for the old folks. All the O.G.'s back in the hood that once sold dope. Runnin the game. He’s got a bank account so he can stack some g's and have nice things like Cutlass on d's with a coat of fresh candy paint. He’s got a bank account so he can be set for life when he’s grown. And hit them switches before he’s old enough to drive.

His teachers can't stand me 'cause he give them no respect. He ain't sayin "M'am, yes M'am" until you're signing him a check. So you can miss 2 Low with the bump rap. You ain't his mother and he ain't your son. So in reality, you gets none. 2 Low is gettin busy on this track for ya. Because 2 Low is the funky lil brotha.

Here we go once again with the real hits! Throw your hands in the air if you can feel this! 2 Low bring styles after styles after styles too. He can't be faded with this here because he’s a young troop. He sports them Nikes. Not the Reeboks or K-Swiss. And while we’re on the subject of feet, let me say this. 2 Low beats down like Bruise Lot.

Let me and him squash this here. 2 Low is rippin up shop in '94 like a chainsaw. 2 Low is Hiram-Clarke where these g’s don't fist-fight. They got they 9mm pistols shooting. Just enough to get your punk butt lit up. He can square this off right by makin people say, "Oh man, little bro raw!" It's not about the set he claims because he don't bang. 2 Low is just a g from the hood who let them hang. 2 Low is the funky lil brotha.

Scarface is rippin shop with his funky lil brotha. Scarface and 2 Low are the real deal. Scarface and 2 Low were puttin bustas on their back like Evander Holyfield.  Flowin up the beat is what Scarface is known for. And the funky lil brotha is who this song is for. 2 Low is the funky lil brotha.

Once upon a time there lived Lucky. But Lucky got bucked because Lucky tried to buck Scarface. Hey yo, Scarface gave that boy some scratch. He came up short. That's when he got sidetracked. Scarface had to cut him up like a tractor.

Notice how the lyrics were changed and altered from the explicit version of Funky Lil Nigga. Compare the lyrics to both the explicit version and clean version.

Here are the lyrics to the clean version of Funky Lil Nigga.

[2 Low]
You can call me T double o to the L-o-double - yo
I'm 2 Low, that funky lil brother, yo
Comin back with a brand new cut
And you can new jack swing on my -
Cause I got this here so tight
A young playa doin damage to the mic (you sho' right)
I'm 13, but I ain't dumb
So bring it on if you little bustas want some
Cover your dome because it's on once again
And I'm a young playa that's known to win
I got my street sense from these hardcore streets, trick
And I'm comin real, cause I ain't bumpin no weakin
Pass me the mic and let me kick it for the old folks
All the O.G.'s back in the hood that once sold dope
Jammin 'Happy Feelings', I'm leavin on the next train
Learnin the game, so when I'm grown I be set, mayn
Got a bank account, so I can stack some g's
And have nice things like Cutlass on d's
Fresh candy paint, kickin it live
And hit them switches before I'm old enough to drive
My teachers can't stand me cause I give em no respect
But I ain't sayin "M'am, yes M'am" until you're signin me a check
So you can miss 2 Low with the bump rap
I'm gettin paid, makin a's, forget the dumb crap
You ain't my mother, so that means I'm not your son
So in reality, miss, you gets none
I'm gettin busy, gettin busy on this track for ya
Funky - yeah, cause I'm the funky lil brotha

(I'm just your funky lil brotha)
Cause I'm the funky lil - brotha
(I'm just your funky lil brotha)
Cause I'm the funky lil - brotha
(I'm just your funky lil brotha)

[2 Low]
Here we go once again with the real hits
Throw your hands in the air if you can feel this
I bring styles after styles after styles, dukes
I can't be faded with this here, cause I'm a young troop
I sport them Nikes, not the Reeboks or K-Swiss
And while I'm on the subject of feet, let me say this
I beat your down like I'm Bruise Lot
And let me squash this here: real gees do die
Give it to me, baby, let me show you what my juice like
Let me hit the switches, let me show you what my juice like
Rippin up shop for '94 like a chainsaw
Makin them say, "Oh man, little bro raw!"
And I can square this here off right
I'm straight from Hiram-Clarke where these gees don't fist-fight
They got they 9mm
Tust enough to get your punk butt licked up
It's not 'bout the set I claim, cause I don't bang
I'm just a gee from the hood who let em hang
And that's word to the mother, your funky lil brotha
(You'se the funky lil what?)
Cause I'm your funky lil - brotha


Yeah man
Yeah man!
It's goin down right here
Me and you
What up?


Where is Cedric?
Where is Cedric?

[2 Low]
Here I am
Here I am

Well, how are you today, Sir?

[2 Low]
Very fine, I thank you

Well, smoke one, fool

[2 Low]
I don't do that, fool

[Scarface and 2 Low]
Well, it's Face rippin shop with my funky lil brotha
(I'm the funky lil brotha, that's word to the mother)
Pass the killer, lil brotha, let me hit me some dank
(I ain't with that, homie, I'm tryin to make me a bank)
I pass it over to my brother, now he's ready to flow
(You crank it up, damn fool, cause I'm ready to go)
I be the Face (I be the Low) and we the real deal
Puttin bustas on they back like we Evander Holyfield
(Flowin on the beat is what I'm known for)
And the funky lil brotha is who this song for
Once upon a time there lived Lucky
But Lucky got bucked because Lucky tried to buck me
(Tried to buck you how?) Hey yo, I gave that boy some scratch
He came up short, that's when he got sidetracked
Had to cut him up like a tractor
With that pick-pick-pick, you little busta, I holler atcha
(But you ain't gotta worry with that mark no mo')
Why you say that, Low? (Cause I'm the funky lil brotha, yo)
You kinda right
But you trippin, you trippin!
Come on!


Here are the lyrics to the explicit version of Funky Lil Nigga.

[Verse 1: 2 Low]
You can call me T double o to the L-o-double - yo
I'm 2 Low, that funky lil niggaroe
Comin back with a brand new cut
And you can new jack swing on MY nuts
'Cause I got the shit so tight
A young nigga doin damage to the mic (you sho' right)
I'm 13, but I ain't dumb
So bring it on if you muthafuckas want some
Cover your dome because it's on once again
And I'm a young nigga that's known to win
I got my street sense from these muthafuckin streets, bitch
And I'm comin real, 'cause I ain't fuckin with that weak shit
Pass me the joint and let me kick it for the old folks
All the O.G.'s back in the hood that once sold dope
Jammin-happy villains, I'm leavin on the next train
Runnin the game, so when I'm gone I be set, mayn
Got a bank account, so I can stack some g's
And have nice things like Cutlass on d's
Fresh candy paint, kickin shit live
And fuckin with this whip before I'm old enough to drive
My teacher can't stand me 'cause I give him no respect
I ain't sayin "M'am, yes M'am" until you're signin me a check
So you can miss me with that muthafuckin bum shit
I'm gettin paid makin maze, fuck the dumb shit
You ain't my mother and I ain't your fuckin son
So in reality, bitch, you gets none
I'm gettin busy on this muthafuckin track for ya
Funky - 'cause I'm the funky lil nigga

(Nigga, nigga)
'Cause I'm the funky lil - nigga
(Nigga, nigga)
Cause I 'm a funky lil nigga
(Nigga, nigga)

[Verse 2: 2 Low]
Here we go once again with the real shit
Throw your hands in the air if you can feel this
I bring styles after styles after styles, dukes
I can't be faded with the shit, cause I'm a young troop
I sport them Nikes, not the Reeboks or K-Swiss
And while I'm on the subject of feet, let me say this
I kick ass like I'm Bruise Lot
And let me squash this shit: real niggas do die
Give it to me, baby, let me show you what that Deuce like
Let me hit the swisher and let me show you what my juice like
Rippin up shit in '93 like a chainsaw
Makin niggas say, "Goddamn, that little nigga raw!"
And I can square the shit off right
I'm straight from Hiram-Clarke where these niggas don't fist-fight
They got they muthafuckin pistols shootin shit junk
Just enough to get your punk ass lit up
It's not about the set I claim, 'cause I don't bang
I'm just a nigga from the hood who let his nuts hang
And I can give a muthafuck about a nigga if he's bigger
I'm 2 Low, biatch, the funky lil nigga

(Nigga, nigga)

[ Scarface ]
You'se the funky lil what?

[2 Low]
The funky lil - nigga
(Nigga, nigga)

You'se a funky lil nigga
(Nigga, nigga)

[2 Low]
The funky lil nigga
(Nigga, nigga)

[Bridge: Scarface]
Let me see if you can fuck with this since you're so funky
Where is Cedric?
Where is Cedric?

[2 Low]
Here I am
Here I am

How are you today, Sir?

[2 Low]
Very high, I thank you

[Scarface] Smoke one, fool

[2 Low] You smoke one, fool

[Verse 3: Scarface and 2 Low]
Well, it's Face kickin shit with the funky lil nigga
I'm the funky lil nigga and I'm steady gettin bigger
Pass the killer, lil nigga, let me hit me some dank
Pass the bottle, muthafucka, let me hit me some drank
I passed the forty to my partner, now he's ready to roll
Crank it up, damn fool, 'cause I'm ready to go
I be the Face (I be the Low) and we the real deal
Knockin niggas on they ass like we Evander Holyfield
Fuckin up the beat is what I'm known for
And the funky lil nigga is who this muthafuckin song's for
Once upon a time there lived Lucky
Lucky got fucked because Lucky tried to fuck me
Tried to fuck you how? Hey yo, I gave the boy some shit
He came up short, then he got his ass sidekicked
Had to cut him up like a tractor
Pick-pick-pick muthafucka, I holler atcha
But you ain't gotta fuck with that snow no mo'
Why you say that, Low? 'Cause I'm the funky lil niggaroe

I couldn't hear you
You'se the funky lil what?
(I'm the funky lil - nigga)
(Nigga, nigga)
I'm the funky lil - nigga
(Nigga, nigga)
(Nigga, nigga)

N.O. Joe, John Bido, and Tony "Big Chief" Randle provide a funky backdrop to get down on with The Groove With Mr. Scarface. This is a funk rap fusion. So chill with that Southern funk.

I say one for the boogie, two for the show. Take a look and what do you know, it's 2 Low. Or should I say the funky lil bro? 2 Low is back with the flow. Another style from the kid to let you bustas and muthafuckas know. He be jammin like an old school vet. He be workin up a sweat, havin fun as he earns his check. So check it out as he come to groove with ya. Cause Deep in the jungle where the hunters rumble. So chill with the Low and let him get to ya. Cause Him and Mr. Face came to groove ya.

If the music makes you move and you feel you wanna groove, groove on. If you're feeling good inside and you wanna take a ride, ride on.

You see 2 Low make it funky. Somethin you can smoke to and chill back with your homies. 2 Low shows us that he can handle the mic. No need to pass it on because he go all night. So don't let nobody try to fool ya. You know that he be flowin. If the music makes you move and you feel you wanna groove, groove on. If you're feeling good inside and you wanna take a ride, ride on. Hit the swisher and chill, g.

The song and title track Problem Child is 2 Low cussing his ass off and being disobedient with his nasty curse-filled rap style. The lyrics don't fall short either. People always talk about how crazy and how bad kids are today but they don’t always understand what some of us have to deal with.

2 Low explains some of the shenanigans he takes part in Class Clown such as grabbing the teachers ass smoking weed underneath the bleachers in the gymnasium. 2 Low proved to us he had skills with his lyrical abilities on Class Clown. His lyrics was raw at only 13 back then. This is his raw talent. This song is sick. John Bido and Tony "Big Chief" Randle provide a funky backdrop to get down on.

I rate this album 5/5*****!

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