Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Mixerr Album Reviews #759

This album was released on Apple Pie Recording Productions from Saginaw, Michigan in 1994. Charles Pleasure Sparks and Crazy Al did the production and UBEU mastered this cassette. For those who didn't know, Al is the one holding his middle finger up. Keith is the one holding the 40 oz. Keith is an employee at Bay Music in Saginaw. Crazy Al is Al Wicker.

Born Crazy And Free has that signature studio production sound with the trademark “Pleasure Sparks sound” with heavy bass, thick layers of percussion, digitally processed beats, treble reduction on the acoustic notes from the guitar, and live instrumentation. Charles Pleasure Sparks showcases and displays his smooth "Pleasure Sparks" sound which he is infamous for through out this entire album. Other than that, Crazy Al describes exactly how he is “Born Crazy And Free”. He also spits out some inspirational quotes that have positive uplifting messages.

Crazy Al wonders if the world will miss him when he dies. He pays homage to his dead brother’s name. He always thinks about his brother who died. Will the world miss Crazy Al? Crazy Al has brothers who will meet him at the crossroads. Crazy Al warns all those who are coming for him to come for him.

Now Crazy Al lets us know what’s going on. Some brothers fired shots from a couple of .9mm handguns by his mothers home. Seems that Crazy Al has been involved in an unrelated driveby shooting. It scared Crazy Al. It makes Crazy Al want to resort to violence by going on a shooting spree killing of any sucka. Later, on Crazy Al testified against a female who got him caught up in the mix of the unrelated driveby shooting. He probably testified against the two males who were the perpetrators for the incident as well. The reason why Crazy Al testified against the female is because she played Crazy Al for a fool. You want to trip? He has a tip from a little gat. Crazy Al is not playing with you suckers. Crazy Al holds a grudge. They want him to run but he won’t budge. He’ll probably leave some blood on the damn rug. Crazy Al is obviously not running nor hiding.

Crazy Al learned a lot from an OG named Freddie G back in 1989. “When in doubt, reach for a damn nine.” If Crazy Al wanted to set you up, you would’ve been got. Keep his name out of your mouth before you get shot. Crazy Al is the type of brother to sleep under your porch. He knows where your woman works and your kids play. So bring it on because it will make Crazy Al’s day!

[Again Crazy Al warns all those who are coming for him to come for him!] It’s true. He sticks up by standing up for himself and speaking out. Crazy Al describes exactly how he is “Born Crazy And Free”. It’s how he wants to be. It’s how he’s got to be.

Sometimes Crazy Al wonders what his kids will become once they’ve matured. Will they be gangsters like their dad?
Lord knows he went the “gangsta route”. Crazy Al was raised into a life of crime. He sold dope while running the streets of Saginaw. He grew into a lunatic. People thought Al would amount to nothing. He proved them wrong. Now Crazy Al is older and wiser realizing the things he did was wrong.

The last verse is strictly for the kids! “Don’t ever think the world is coming down on you. It’s just a little something we all have been through.” Through time and time again. “Money is no substitute for happiness.” You can make it out of the game just like Crazy Al. [These last verses were strictly for the kids!]

Crazy Al tells us to gather ‘round as he runs it down and unravels his pedigree on the title track Gather ‘Round. Crazy Al experiments with gangsta rap over heavy brooding foreboding bass lines thus making the track have a darker mysterious mood than the rest of the album. The “Pleasure Sparks sound” is once again prevalent on the title track. The thick layers of percussion, digitally processed beats, treble reduction on the acoustic notes from the guitar, and live instrumentation.

Crazy Al was a young punk who ran the streets of Saginaw, Michigan back in the day. He saw people get beat down. So he backed out of the game with the help of Pleasure Sparks. He broke down mentally while he was locked in jail. That was a warning sign to him about his life if he continued the route he was going on. Homicide was all he knew growing up. Crazy Al was true to the game even through the raids. He then proceeds to tell us lurid stories of drug sales and clientele.

Crazy Al breaks it down in rapping as he runs it down and unravels his pedigree. He breaks down his pedigree rap style. Crazy Al was true to the game and always is.

If anyone wants to try Crazy Al, Crazy Al is obviously not running nor hiding. He wonders if he will fall like the others in the drug game from a criminal standpoint of view or not.He has sold large quantities of cocaine in his name. It’s just a part of the drug game. Now Crazy Al raps about how he got a second chance in life. Give the dope back to the dopes.

Lifestyles of a Pimp is telling the tale of a pimp who lives his life selling women as prostitutes for money. The lifestyles of a pimp is plush, scandalous, and excitingly thrilling. Such sexual activity leads to promiscuity. Pimps get all the attention. However leading the lifestyles of a pimp can be dangerous and by unhealthy. In some cases, being a pimp can lead to death.

Tickety - Test is a freestyle rap track ridden with heavy pultruding bass. On a short note, the track is only a minute and a half long.

Both Gather 'Round and Born Crazy 'N' Free have super heavy bass! The bass made the album tight! This album was a bit too short for me. Gather Round should have had 8 tracks.

I rate this album, Gather 'Round, 4/5****!

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