Saturday, August 26, 2017

City of Austin, Texas to face onslaught of heavy rain from Hurricane Harvey.

As of August 26, 2017, for the past 2 days, the city of Austin, Texas has been experiencing an onslaught of heavy rain in part due to Hurricane Harvey hitting the Gulf Coast near the coastal line of Texas.  Meteorologists reported a 100% percent chance of rain. Heavy winds are to be expected. Heavy winds have hit the city of Austin hard as the onslaught of heavy rain that Austin, Texas is currently facing.

On Thursday, Austin collected an average of 2 inches from rainfall. On Friday, Austin collected an average of 2.3 inches from rainfall. So far Austin has collected was 3 inches from last night. However local meteorologists have not yet confirmed this. The highest amount of rainfall the city has yet to be confirmed. Heavy traffic delays did occur on both Thursday and Friday. These heavy traffic delays are solely due to the weather from Hurricane Harvey.

Some neighborhoods such as Northwest Hills and Mesa have faced a power outage. The last power outage lasted an hour.

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