Thursday, May 30, 2019

Mixerr Album Reviews #1,780

Lyle Lovett’s album was Joshua Judges Ruth was one of least his successful albums did not gain mainstream acceptance with country music fans as his I Love Everybody album did. For some reason, fans were not as receptive of this album as they were his I Love Everybody album which is why Joshua Judges Ruth sold poorly in album sales. The albums dark mood and graphic content is why the album had poor album sales.

The album shows a much darker side of Lyle Lovett. Which is no surprise as he was going through a state of depression at that time. He was battling depression and had lost a couple of family members before the Joshua Judges Ruth album was released in 1992.

Church is a song which describes Lyle’s day at church last Sunday. The song is an unusual country song with a religious vibe which is quite graphic.

A highlight of this song is some of lyrics rhyming scheme. For example, saying “may” and choosing a word that rhymes with may such as “day”. For instance read these lyrics. The lyrics explain the rhyme scheme if you take time to analyze them.:

He said now I'll remind you if I may
You all better pay attention
Or I might decide to preach all day

And now everyone was getting so hungry
And the old ones started feeling ill
And the weak ones started passing out
And the young ones they could not sit still

Lyle went to church last Sunday so he could sing and pray. However something quite unusual happened on that day.

Now church started right on time as usual without a doubt. Everything was just fine. Except after church services were over when it came time to let us out.The preacher kept preaching. He told us, “I have one more thing to say. Children before you think of leaving. You better think about the Judgement Day.”

Now this is the point where everyone was getting nervous. Everyone was wondering what was the next thing he would do. Everyone was hungry too.

He kept on preaching. He said, “Now I'll remind you if I may. You all better pay attention or I might decide to preach all day.”

Everyone was getting so hungry. The old ones started feeling ill, the weak ones started passing out, and the young ones they could not sit still. The preacher's voice rose higher. So Lyle snuck up to the balcony and crept into the choir. He begged them brothers, sisters, help me please.

Now here is the turning point of this song.

The preacher said, “I said when I give you a signal and raise up my hands. Won't you please join with me together? Praise the Lord I have a plan.” “Long is the struggle, hard the fight. Father please forgive me. To the Lord let praises be. It's time for dinner. Now let's go eat. We've got some beans and some good cornbread.”

This is the part where the song gets unusual. The song takes a graphic, gruesome turn abruptly.

A great white dove from up above landed on the window sill. The dove flew down beside him and a fork appeared right in his hand. With everybody watching, the preacher ate that bird right there and then. Everyone got really nervous. Everyone watched on in disbelief.

These were the words he spoke. He said, “Now Mama's in the kitchen and she's been there all day. I know she's cooking something good. So let's bow our heads and pray.”

And the moral of this story is preacher preaches long enough, he'll get hungry and he'll sing.

Family Reserve is a song that reflect on the death of his uncle and several other family members. The mood of this song is filled with such sadness. Sad and mournful are two words to describe this Lyle Lovett song.

When Lyle saw the ambulance going down Main Street, he didn't give it a thought. But it was his Uncle Eugene. He died on October 2, 1981. His other uncle who died and passed away was called Uncle Wilbert. They all called him Skinner. He'd get drunk in the morning and show Lyle the rolls of fifties and hundreds he kept in the glove box of his old gray SS Impala.

His second cousin Callaway died when he barely turned two. It was peanut butter and jelly that did it. It was an allergic reaction of nuts which caused his death. Mama just stood there and watched him turn blue. She didn't know what to do.

Lyle tells his mother not to stir up a commotion. He asks his mother to join up with the last of the family reserve.

Since The Last Time is a mournful song about Lyle’s time at a funeral. He tells details from his vivid memory.

Lyle went to a funeral. Lord it made him happy seeing all those people he ain't seen since the last time somebody died. Everybody was talking. They were telling funny stories. Then the people start crying. All of the little children  start crying too. Lord they're scared. Because they ain't never seen a dead person before.

Now it's church on Sunday. It's a bar on Friday night. It's work on Monday. His schedule goes back to the usual routine.

I've Been To Memphis is a song about the cities in the United States Lyle Lovett has been to and the woman he has attempted to date or flirt with. The guitar notes frequently switch from E to A and then back to E following the E-A-E key pattern using a 5th fret Capo.

The song I've Been To Memphis begins in the morning when the sun comes up. Lyle drinks a large amount of coffee. Soon enough, he tells the waitress, “Waitress, please. I've had enough.”

“Lord I can't believe what I see. How could you be alone when you could sit right here beside me, girl, and make yourself at home?” Lyle tells her he has been to Memphis and Muscle Shoals. He loves a woman. This is his attempt to either hit on (flirt) with the waitress or to strike up a conversation with her.

The sun goes down in another town. He asks the bartender for another round.

Close to the middle of the song is where he describes the women he has dated. Sherry was a woman who had large breasts. Big ones. Sally had some too. Allison had small breasts. Little ones.

She's Already Made Up Her Mind relates to a woman who clearly has made up her mind. This is her final decision. She made up her mind and her decision is cut and clear.

The woman in this song said something about going home. She said something about needing to spend some time alone. She's already made up her mind. She wondered out loud what it was she had to find.

All of Lyle’s friends told him she was too young. He knew that himself and tried to run, but the faster he ran the more he fell behind. Because she'd already made up her mind. There is nothing so unwavering as a woman when she has s already made up her mind.

Now she is sitting at one end of the kitchen table, staring without an expression. She is talking to Lyle without moving her eyes as she has already made up her mind. She said something about going home and needing to spend some time alone.

She Makes Me Feel Good is about a woman who makes Lyle feel good on the inside emotionally.

Lyle has a fixation on big red lips and brown eyes. Take the lyrics to the very beginning of the song as an example: “She's got big red lips/She's got big brown eyes”

It's a big surprise whenever she treats Lyle right. She makes Lyle feel good regardless of what’s going on. She makes him feel good on the inside. Lyle sings about how she makes him do what no else one could. Both of them see a very special love. They have a special connection together.

So buddy, if you're feeling down and blue and your girlfriend treats you bad too, just remember what she's bound to do. She'll make you feel good.

I rate this album, 4/5****.

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