Serendipity Cave is another one of Austin’s forgotten caves. Not much information regarding the biology, geology, and nature of this cave can be found online or offline. This news article will explain what Serendipity Cave was.
Serendipity Cave is believed to predate 1000 BC. However this cave could have formed out of geological rock formations earlier than that. All of Serendipity Cave was formed out of Buda Limestone and Austin Chalk.
Serendipity Cave is located within the Williamson Creek watershed which means that Serendipity Cave is prone to constant flooding given that this cave is located near a floodplain. Not surprising since much of West William Cannon Drive is located inside a floodplain.
A. L. Brodie and J. W. Smith owned Serendipity Cave. J. W. Smith purchased a 139 acre tract of land in 1967 through a warranty deed. A. L. Brodie sold the rest of the land to J. W. Smith in 1974. (Ref:
Serendipity Cave is located on the property where Western Oaks Retail Center is. The Western Oaks Retail Center site plan dates back to a 1976 zoning case with an attached conceptual site plan. A series of Restrictive Covenants, Waterway Development Permits, and Conditional Use Permits have been submitted and approved for this project since that time. Previous permits allowed the site plan to continue with a combination of rules and requirements dating back to as early as 1977, the date of the original subdivision. However, impervious cover has been reduced from 60% shown on the original site plan to 44% on the current site plan, and protection has been provided for the previously unprotected Serendipity Cave. (Ref:
Serendipity Cave had been previously unprotected. The City of Austin had never imposed any Restrictive Covenants, Waterway Development Permits, and Conditional Use Permits for Serendipity Cave prior to 2007. Serendipity Cave is protected under much more stringent current code requirements than originally required. serendipity cave had to be protected as was the condition of the Environmental Quality Commission. Being that Serendipity Cave is located within the Williamson Creek watershed. (Ref:
Western Oaks Retail Center was developed under the stipulation that Serendipity Cave would be reviewed and protected under current code. Western Oaks Retail Center was constructed and opened to the public in 2007. KAMCO WESTERN OAKS LTD (the owner) was to restrict entrance to Serendipity Cave through the installation of a gate designed to be flush with ground level and not visible from Brushy Country Road. This was because Serendipity Cave is considered as a critical environmental feature (CEF). [Ref: Travis County Land Deeds, Instrument #2003252392]

Mr. Andrew Hawkins, representing the Save Our Springs Alliance, appealed the Planning Commission’s decision to approve an extension to the Western Oaks Retail Center site plan, located at 4625 West William Cannon Drive, on Thursday, May 27, 2010. (Ref:
Serendipity Cave is located at the address of 4625 West William Cannon Drive, Austin, Texas, US 78749. Serendipity Cave is located on the property where Western Oaks Retail Center is near the water quality pond.
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