Saturday, November 26, 2016

Mixerr Album Reviews #1,032

This is Michael Mixerr. Today I will review the Handsome JET - Honto (~)Г.

Jet Boogie is a Handsome Jet melody of all the songs on the Honto album onto one track. Think of this song as a mega melody. A loud, heavy hard rock mega melody. Handsome JET does his usual chanting and music. 

Kimi no tonari ni (君のとなりに・・・) is similar to Jet Boogie as it is a loud hard rock/heavy metal mega melody song. Handsome JET himself takes the lead in this song as a vocalist. The volume is set quite loud! A loud, heavy hard rock mega melody is what it sounds like.

Futari wa Ai Ai [二人はラブラブ()] is a love song about temporary love. Futari wa Ai means temporary love. Relationships don't last very long. This relationship of love proved only to be temporary.

Dusk is a perfect song to play at night during the peaceful nighttime. Dusk has that peaceful nighttime vibe to it.

[Electronic rock musician YUEI had nothing to do with this album. Handsome Jet is the name of the lead singer of the coincidental band Handsome JET. Handsome JET is Handsome Jet, YUEI (Yuei Uematsu), and Toshio Sakurai.]

Sadly however, Honto was the only album from Handsome JET that was ever released. Lead singer Handsome JET died in May 2008 in a traffic accident while riding a motorcycle in Japan. Handsome JET would have taken off to become a national success if the lead singer hadn't died. Handsome JET sang a multitude of songs from Konami originals and licensed covers alike. His real name has never been revealed and is not known. He is credited as Handsome JET or Jetto-san (ジェットさん).

I rate this album, Honto(~)Г., 4/5****!

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