This is Michael Mixerr. Today I will review the Funky Blue Velvet album called Taurus that was released on CD in 1993 by Rusty Nail Records. Funky Blue Velvet was a rock band from Sacramento in the 1990s.
Sactown is an ode and tribute to the city of Sacramento, California of which the band Funky Blue Velvet represents as that is where they are from. The sound of the Sac-Town Funk can be heard on this track no de plume. Funk meets Rock music on the track Sactown.
Heavy is fueled and anguished with anger. Funky Blue Velvet unleashes their angst on Heavy. This is where they truly shine on the Taurus album! Peel Away starts off with a cymbal solo from the drum kit. Quite stellar effort added. Funky Blue Velvet unleashes their angst on Peel Away also.
Nogaj is a hodgepodge of rock, easy listening, and jazz music. Think of Nogaj as a mixture of musical genres. In fact, Nogaj is the longest track on the Taurus album. A bit of spoken word is included at the last two minutes of the Nogaj track.
The track ABCBACC masters the musical notes of the A, B, and C scale. Notice how the track has no flats and no sharps. Notes A and B are pitches on the C major scale. A major is a pitch on A scale. Notice exactly how the intervals and scale degrees stay relatively same throughout the track. Most of the track masters musical notes, key pitches, bass clef, and intervals. Some of the musical notes, however change in the duration of the song.
ABCBACC begins with cows mooing loudly with the rain pouring in the background. This lasts for about 25 seconds. In comes the drums! Heavy rock is being played in rotation. A majority of the ABCBACC track is an instrumental. A loud, distorted, buzzy heavy rock instrumental with killer guitar riffs.
I rate this album, Taurus, 5/5*****!
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