The Ken Kaniff Show album released by Detroit rapper Aristotle who now lives in California. The Ken Kaniff Show album was released online digitally as a digital album online in 2002 on Ken Kaniff’s old website via Cock&Ass Records for free. Aristotle later started charging people to download his album. The price was $5.99. Fans would send him an email and they were given an username and password. Fans would use this to download his album.
He put up his whole album for free in 2002 on his Ken Kaniff website, but however the tracklist was altered. Instead of the original 14 tracks that were on the digital version, some tracks were renamed and altered with. There were 2 versions of this album pre-2018. One edition has 14 tracks and the other edition has 21 tracks including a hidden bonus track. The DatPiff version has 14 tracks. The Spotify version has 12 tracks. Bit rate for the songs on this EP is 128kbps in MP3 format.
The album from his website back in 2002 received over 100,000 digital downloads in album sales. The album received over 10,000 digital downloads in album sales in the second half of 2002. Overall the album had received 200,000 streams from 2002 to 2006. Today the album has received over 300,000 streams on Spotify and DatPiff.
Angelo Rosati Costa was the producer and executive in charge of production. So was Aristotle. Steel Pulse produced the bizarre Babsitter song. Notice how front cover is a parody of Eminem - The Eminem Show. The whole artwork and design is a parody of Eminem - The Eminem Show as it uses the same color scheme.
Ken Kaniff was a character created by Aristotle. This Ken Kaniff was a perverted gay male used in several skits for comic relief. Aristotle alternates between his “Ken Kaniff voice“ and regular rapping style of his on the album. The album can be considered as both sadistic and humourous art the same time. His debut album features diss tracks against Eminem and contains controversial songs. The homosexual persona of Ken Kaniff is the creation of underground Detroit rapper Aristotle and Eminem. Ken Kaniff has a visibly obvious love/hate relationship with Eminem.
Now the production on this album is sick and his lyrics leave much to be desired. His bizarre wordplay on Palmela Handerson leaves much to be desired. Mix comedy, spoken word, and rap, and the result will get you this album. You’ve got a bit of comedy and spoken word on this album. Think parody. The whole album is made to poke and comedic relief. The whole album is bizarre and fans of Eminem will definitely enjoy this album despite the fact that his whole album is dissing Eminem.
The disclaimer and copyright notice on the back are absolutely hilarious. This is Aristotle’s humorous attempt at poking fun of copyright and disclaimers.
We are not responsible for offending you in any way. You will be pleased with your purchases. KEN KANIFF is a registered trademark on file with the STATE OF CALIFORNIA COPYRIGHT BOARD. Any illegal use of the name will be subject to prosecution and investigation to "the fullest extent of the law." EMINEM is not Ken Kaniff, and in no way is this site suggesting he is. Ken Kaniff performed on EMINEM'S The Slim Shady LP, track 12 - and still maintains a very positive relationship with the Slimmest of Shadies. If you have questions please e-mail Ken directly at:

Aristotle never fails to disappoint with his raps. It’s sad that Aristotle did not make it big. Aristotle and Eminem could have made more funny Ken Kaniff skits if Aristotle had not ruined his chance of acceptance by dissing Defari on the Wake Up Show in 1999 and had a baby with his wife Kim. Not to mention the argument over character rights. Comedy rap albums such this masterpiece are pure gold! It’s Ken Kaniff at his best right here. Ken Kaniff should have made more albums than he has. Sadly Ken Kaniff has faded away into obscurity and away from the public eye.
The beginning of The Ken Kaniff Show album begins with the Ken Kaniff (Skit) from The Slim Shady LP album by Eminem released in 1999. The funniest skit off any of Eminem’s albums! Ken Kaniff (voiced by Aristotle) calls Eminem in order to have gay sex with him. Homosexual antics ensue. His reaction is hysterical at the end.
At the beginning of the skit is when Ken Kaniff makes a collect call to Eminem from Connecticut, US. (To give Eminem a piece of his mind and ass of course.) A collect call is a call where any person who gets called is actually the one who gets charged for the phone call. Basically Ken Kaniff is calling Emimen and having him pay for the collect call from Connecticut.
In the middle of the skit is when Eminem believes Cage was trying to fuck with him. Eminem is thinking this was a prank call likely performed by the German rapper Cage. Cage was a rapper Eminem dissed at the end of Role Model.
At the very end of the skit is where Aristotle can be heard laughing thus breaking character for a moment. However it could be implied that it was either both Eminem or Ken Kaniff that were laughing. Eminem can be heard snickering thus breaking character for a moment at the very end of this skit.
Read their phone conversation transcript from the lyrics.:
[Ken Kaniff] I'm gonna call this motherfucker. Oh fuck yeah. Give him a piece of my mind. A piece of my ass.
[Operator] Thank you for waiting. Hello. May I help you?
[Ken Kaniff] Oh thank you. I need to make a collect call
[Operator] What number?
[Ken Kaniff] Oh the number is 6-2
[Operator] At the tone, please say your name.
[Ken Kaniff] Kenneth Kaniff from Connecticut. Automated piece of shit.
[Eminem] Yo.
[Ken Kaniff] Hey there, cock boy.
[Eminem] Who is this?
[Ken Kaniff] This is Ken Kaniff.
[Eminem] Who?
[Ken Kaniff] Ken Kaniff from Connecticut. You little bitch.
[Eminem] From Connecticut? I don't know nobody in Connecticut.
[Ken Kaniff] Yeah. You wanna get a hotel room with me?
[Eminem] A hotel room?
[Ken Kaniff] Yeah. You want me to lick your ass, Eminem?
[Eminem] Yo who is this? Cage?
[Ken Kaniff] You want me to fucking melt in your mouth and not in your hand? Melt in your ass, you little cock boy.
[Eminem] Shut up you little bitch.
[Ken Kaniff] Oh, you think I'm lying huh...
[Eminem] Hahahahahaha!
In Buy U A Beer, Ken Kaniff wants to buy some underaged women a beer. Preferably high schools is whom he wants to target. Ken attempts to perform acts of downright pedophilia in order to buy the women he wants a beer during this song. Throughout the entirety of this track, Ken talks about how he likes his girls young. His attempts of grabbing and groping underaged women’s breasts is considered an act of pedophilia.
He is still in high school and he will be lucky to even pass. Ken is real good at most subjects but sucks horribly at math. Ken is 21 and has been in high school for 6 years. The only thing he learned is how to buy beer.
He’s still in high school and he’ll be lucky to pass. He is real good at most subjects except math. His algebra class is past the last door on your left at the end of the hallway near the bottom of steps. When he is late to class, there’s nothing but shit. Ken gets insulted by his teachers just for running his lip.
At the beginning is where Ken spits game to ninth-grade hoes by writing love letters and notes with X’s and O’s. For instance, this one girl who sat next to me at a desk. He knew she liked him because she wouldn’t let him cheat off her test. She was kind of cute too, but her tits weren’t developed. By the time she’s sixteen, Ken knows her breasts will swell up.
They exchanged numbers. So Ken called on her phone. Her mother picked up and Ken said, “Is Jennifer home?”
She was screaming and yelling “Now how old are you?”. Ken responded, “Old enough to buy your daughter a cold case of brew.” Ken is looking for jailbait. When she is standing in line buying a three musketeers, Ken is right behind her trying to buy her a beer. Her cheerleader friends try to tell her Ken Kaniff is weird.
His attempts at buying underaged women beer are witty. Read the lines to these lyrics.:
When you’re standing in line, buying a three musketeers
I’m right behind you trying to buy you a beer
Ken Kaniff performs acts of outright pedophilia. Read these lyrics for instance.: “Ken Kaniff, I like my pussy young and fresh/I’m off soft warm women with them B-cup breasts/If it ain’t an a-cup or a white sports bra” So that means Ken rubs little girls breasts. When they get home, their panties disappear.
These 8th grade freshman women be fiending for a brew. All Ken Kaniff does is take them out to buy them a beer. It ain’t Ken’s fault when they get home that their panties disappear. Their parents stay asking their child who got them drunk but they forgot to ask who fucked them in the back of the trunk.
All the senior girls hate Ken because he pays them no mind. I like ‘em five foot three (5’ 3”), less than a hundred pounds (<100 lbs) with the beer belly rock hard solid around. Ken knew this one chick who absolutely loved beer. She used to suck on his corona until all of the lime was gone. He had her in bikini and thongs. Every freshman girl says Ken Kaniff rules.
Palmela Handerson is the ode and anthem for men who are chronic masturbators. It’s the chronic masturbators anthem. Palmela Handerson is word play on Pamela Anderson and is a sexually explicit parody of her. Palmela, not Pamela, but Palmela Lee. Middle name "Handerson" for those following me.
Ken Kaniff has come back with another love song. He saw Pamela Anderson on Baywatch. Fuck yeah. Him seeing Pamela Anderson on Baywatch inspired him to write a song about my hand which in turn is a reference to masturbation.
Ken met this girl named Palmela. She's doper than shit. He asks her, “Who you bringing along?” She replies, “My five little homegirls rocking skirts and a thong.”
It's kind of funny with her 'cause it's all about sex. Ken works on her neck one-handed. He’s working up a sweat under the bedsheets and his clothes. Palmela can make him cum better than anyone knows. She zips to his G spot. She rocks and won't stop. On his mushroom head on the tip of his cock. Palmela is all on Ken’s shaft like Samuel L. Jackson. (Notice the Shaft reference?) She's got the tightest lips that are sucking and blowing Ken’s dick. Her lipstick looks like fingernail polish. He’s in love like a motherfucker number one fan of Palmela Handerson. The name of his hand.
He is in no need another women for the rest of his life because his hand makes him cum faster than his ex-wife. The best sex comes from the palm of your hand. The best thing about it is that she'll never leave him. At his instant and every disposal. At his every whim and desire. Believe me. It's kind of like being married but without the hassle.
Late last night, they got kinky with the vaseline jar. Jacking him off. Ken works on her neck one-handed working up a sweat under the bedsheets and his clothes.
Ken knows her family and they're a bunch of assholes. Palmela's his left hand and her sister's his right hand. Her parents abandoned her kicked her out of their sight. Now Palmela is his girl. She loves his Limp Bizkit and the Jam of his Pearl. She always stays shaved and bathed for his pleasure. A man's left hand is his number one treasure.
Ken Kaniff takes a journey on to Mexico in the track Vato. Ken is across the border in Mexico. People think that he is Hispanic or of Spanish origin. He is being called Vato as he is mistakably considered to be Hispanic.
Ken is located 20 miles south of the US-Mexico border with no cash, nothing but a dollar and a quarter ($1.25 USD). He spent his last $20 dollars on the slut at the bar. She's sitting shotgun, waiting for Ken in the car. Now there's one thing left before he leave the country of Mexico. He needs a bag of rubbers so this chick can fuck him.
So he’s looking for a rubber when I see this dude. This dude says back behind the counter. The man says, “Me no hablo inglés”, which means “I don’t speak English”. What the fuck? "I just need a bag of condoms yo, I'll give you a buck" Since the man does not understand him, Ken is going to have to use body language and not in the way that you are thinking of. If you can't communicate you end up alone.
Ken Kaniff proceeds to whip his dick over the counter. However the tables turn on Ken. His dick was bigger than Ken’s. Ken Kaniff got steady played by a vato (the man over the counter). At the end of the track is where Ken Kaniff takes it up the ass and returns to the United States.
Ken Kaniff makes his return on the song Dotcom. This song differentiates the real Ken Kaniff from the persona Eminem plays.Dotcom serves as a diss aimed towards Eminem and his label mates. Dotcom samples The Real Slim Shady and My Name Is.
The introduction is mocks the introduction of The Real Slim Shady.
Excuse me..
May I have your attention?
Ken Kaniff.
Shut the fuck up!
Little bitch.
Will the real Ken Kaniff please sit the fuck down? Yo.
Verse 1 identifies how Emimen and Aristotle severed ties. Aristotle messed around with Kim and got her pregnant. She had his child. He had sex with her twin sister Dawn also. That is what the lyrics “Severing ties with me because I had a baby with Kim" are referring to.
[Verse 1]
The real Ken is back and that's me
The other Ken Kaniff the one that starts with an "E"?
He ain't OG he's kind of Shady and Slim
Severing ties with me because I had a baby with Kim
And Dawn, her twin sister, yo I fucked her too
And she sucked Dean's dick dog and that's the truth
And she only got one tooth and that's no lie
I think he killed Dawn in the song Bonnie and Clyde
But yo, that's go about the Slim Shady LP
And see that track twelve was performed by me
But I ain't crying about it yo cause I'm telling the truth
I'm cool with Eminem, my bad, his real name's "Bruce"
Now you know that sorry I ought to burst your bubble
But this whole song's going to get my ass in trouble
I'm a codependent schizophrenic white boy too
I ain't dyed my hair cause Karen told me too
Aristotle explains on Verse 2 how he did not release this album for mass consumption but for the underground instead through the internet. The Ken Kaniff Show album was also distributed by hackers on peer-to-peer file sharing programs such as Napster, soulseek, imeem, and 4shared during 2002. Aristotle used to be signed to Web Entertainment but he realized money doesn't make you happy and fame fucks with your head. He was label mates with Eminem.
The real reason why Aristotle had disappeared from the public eye is because money was unable to get him satisfaction in order to make him happy and the fame (infamy) mess with his head. That is why Aristotle fell off the face of the Earth.
[Verse 2]
Every other fucking word will be a motherfucking curse
Cause this ain't for the radio, I made this shit for Napster
For hacker bastards and the Internet masters
I used to be signed to Web
But don't make you happy and fame fucks with your head
But look
Sony five-fifty is just shifty
My girlfriend strokes me better than those sissies
And she can tell you that Kaniff is crazed
Well-endowed and proud to be stuck in his ways
Hey, whatever happened to Royce da 5'9"?
I think he got dropped from Tommy Boy before he got signed
I guess Bad met Evil and he lost his mind
Him and Far Eyes should take time to write some rhymes
And that Aristotle guy is kind of nice with his
I'll let him spit the next verse and ride on these kids
Aristotle pokes fun at Royce da 5'9" about how he got dropped from Tommy Boy Records. He claims Royce da 5'9" lost his mind.
Hey, whatever happened to Royce da 5'9"?
I think he got dropped from Tommy Boy before he got signed
I guess Bad met Evil and he lost his mind
Him and Far Eyes should take time to write some rhymes
And that Aristotle guy is kind of nice with his
I'll let him spit the next verse and ride on these kids
Without Me is both an Eminem parody and Eminem diss track all at the same time. Ken Kaniff is Aristotle’s alter ego that he uses to diss Eminem. Ken Kaniff goes in on Eminem both figuratively and literally all throughout the track. Ken tells the listener(s) about how he wants to have sex with Eminem & Dr. Dre while making homosexual remarks aimed at both of them. Without Me interpolates Curtains Close (Skit) and Without Me.
At the beginning of Without Me, Ken Kaniff gets his ass licked by Eminem since he is a cockboy. Eminem is obsessed with faggots with rumors of him being a homophobic person possibly. However that is false as Eminem openly denied being homophobic. Aristotle takes jabs at Aftermath Entertainment and Shady Records. Aristotle is making fun of Eminem. Dr. Dre gets called out for being gay.
The pre-chorus is quite humorous. “Guess who's back?/Back again./Ken is back./Tell some men/Rub my back, rub my back, rub my back”
Ken gets his ass licked by Slim Shady because he’s obsessed with faggots. Obie’s mad that Eminem's a drug addict. Proof is getting jealous of Eminem’s success. So he signed to Madonna’s label Maverick Records. Boy bands rule! He loves Chris Kirkpatrick and Justin Timberlake of *NSYNC. Elton John's cute for an older bastard. Ken saw Eminem holding hands the other night with Dr. Dre. Ken Kaniff got you screaming who's real.
The lyrics “8 mile then and now you live in Bloomfield.” reference how Eminem got himself out of the ghetto of Detroit by moving to a wealthy neighborhood north of Detroit called Bloomfield Hills. For those who don’t know, Bloomfield Hills is a wealthy area north of Detroit known for extremely pricey high end houses. Many of the houses in Bloomfield Hills million dollar homes.
Aristotle disses D12 in these lyrics. “Alright, D12, Double personality/6 MC's on a one person salary/I know it sounds bizarre and Bizarre's just a bitch/Nobody knows why Slim Shady signed Swift” He believes D12 made money only for Eminem and not for themselves.
Aristotle pokes fun at how Eminem was in debt when he was signed with Web Entertainment despite going 7x times platinum and selling millions of records. Web Entertainment was his production team back in the 90s. These lyrics below are a reference to his production team Web Entertainment and how he was in debt.
Ken Kaniff is what Eminem isn't
Another white rapper, that ain't like Limp Bizkit
This is bitch shit, you're a punk to risk it
Come over to Connecticut and get your wrists slit
For real now, you ain't gotta rap to talk it
Your baby mother's fat, and she runs your pocket
7 platinum, but you signed to Web
Your moneys fucked up, dip down in the red
Aristotle does not care about the hate he receives from Eminem fans. These lyrics support that.
Come on fags hit me for the shit I'm talking
I got your whole fan base going and jacking
Feeling what I spit, when I diss the icon
And get your ass fucked by an orange pylon
Super Ken is a parody of Superman. Look up in the sky. It's a bird. It's a plane. It's a man with a cape, a beard, and a cane. He’s wearing a tank top and shorts with a bulge in his pants. You know there is an emergency when you see a "K" in the sky. That is Super Ken Kaniff. He walks around town with some red boots and a blue shirt. That is his work apparel. That is his apparel to do work and do dirt. Super Ken is not the X-Men, Wolverine, or Mighty Mouse. He’s the endless southpaw crimefighter ya'll saw.
Here is an example of Super Ken saves the day. A man got caught sticky situation. He was all alone and sitting by himself watching cable television at his mother’s house. Pornography magazines were on the table. Porno mags with fags and chicks with dicks. He was masturbating to pornography. Suddenly the cock starts smoking. A fire breaks out and all the windows can’t open. That's where Super Ken cums in. Get it? He put the fire out with his nine-inch gun (penis) using his semen. The fire has been extinguished.
This chick was walking home from school. So they approached her and scoped her out. Super Ken let those boys rape her and steal her money. You might thing Super Ken is doing the wrong thing but he has his way of handling justice.
However things take a spin as Kaniff came through and gave those boys something they didn’t hope for. It kinda adds comedy to this little caper. Later after everything went down and calmed down, Ken put his outfit on and cruised the town. He found those boys who raped that girl. He stopped them and circled all around them. Ken put them in a single file line to pound their asses. He engaged in anal sex with them. In the end three dudes lay asleep on the cement.
Kreep With Me has a West Coast rap sound similar to the production by Dr. Dre. In fact, the production is so crystal clear that it sounds similar to a Dr. Dre production. It’s a fast food fiasco as Ken is extremely hungry. Things don’t go as planned at a fast food restaurant. So Ken goes crazy. Aristotle produced Kreep With Me.
Babysitter is about a bizarre look on the dangers of babysitting altogether. Ken Kaniff receives a called from a desperate father in search of a babysitter for his youthful daughter. The father is unaware that Ken Kaniff is too mentally unstable as he is not deemed fit to babysit anyone's children. Steel Pulse produced the song Babysitter.
If You Play Your Cards Right was a bonus track for The Ken Kaniff Show album. The track does not appear on the track listing for the tracks to this album. If You Play Your Cards Right is a hidden track not many Ken Kaniff fans know about.
Here is the full story behind the Eminem Vs. Aristotle dispute.:
Aristotle was the voice for Ken Kaniff on Ken Kaniff (Skit) on the The Slim Shady LP in 1999. This dispute occurred after lending his voice to Ken Kaniff (Skit) on the The Slim Shady LP. The two were friends in Detroit prior to 1999. They had a good friendship and relationship.
Eminem and Aristotle were invited to perform on a radio called the Wake Up Show in 1999 alongside Defari of Dilated Peoples in Oakland, California. Eminem had wanted Aristotle to not diss Defari on the Wake Up Show in 1999. Aristotle sided with Defari by not dissing him. Eminem was pissed so much at Aristotle for dissing Defari on that radio show.
After Aristotle ruined any chance of acceptance by dissing Defari on the Wake Up Show in 1999, Aristotle and Eminem had a dispute which led to the break-up of their working relationship. However the Wake Up Show incident in 1999 was not the only thing that led to their dispute.
Aristotle lent his voice for Ken Kaniff used on the Ken Kaniff (Skit) on the The Slim Shady LP in 1999. Contrary to popular belief the voice was NOT done by Eminem, but was done by underground rapper Aristotle from Detroit. After lending his voice to that skit, Eminem used this skit without his permission on his 1999 album called The Slim Shady LP. Aristotle was not pleased. This led into a dispute over who had rights over the character Ken Kaniff.
Aristotle severed ties with Eminem due to the Defari incident and due to issues of ownership over the Ken Kaniff persona. The relationship between Eminem and Aristotle had now been cut. Ties were severed. However those two incidents were not the only final straw that broke in their relationship. Emimen and Aristotle severed ties. Aristotle messed around with Kim and got her pregnant. She had his child. He had sex with her twin sister Dawn also. Aristotle getting Kim pregnant was the final straw for Eminem.
Eminem went on to do the Ken Kaniff skits himself after 1999. Starting with the The Marshall Mathers LP in 2000, all Eminem skits using the Ken Kaniff persona have always been performed by Eminem and not Aristotle which is why Aristotle did not perform on The Marshall Mathers LP in 2000 contrary to popular belief to what people would have you believe.
Aristotle decided to reinvent himself as “The Real Ken Kaniff” in 2000. He then released the KEN KANIFF FROM CONNECTICUT.. THE ALBUM! SINGLE SAMPLER… on his website the same year. KEN KANIFF FROM CONNECTICUT.. THE ALBUM would eventually become The Ken Kaniff Show album in 2002.
Aristotle released The Ken Kaniff Show album online to the internet through his own website in 2002. The Ken Kaniff Show is a diss album aimed at Eminem because he stole his “Ken Kaniff” character by using him on his other albums which is why the album features diss tracks against Eminem. Basically his whole album disses Eminem.
Aristotle disappeared from the public eye in 2003 after the release of The Ken Kaniff Show and the Don't Tell Daddy EP. The real reason why Aristotle had disappeared from the public eye is because money was unable to get him satisfaction in order to make him happy and the fame (infamy) mess with his head. That is why Aristotle fell off the face of the Earth.
Here is the tracklist to the original version of The Ken Kaniff Show. The tracklist is as follows:
01. Curtains Open (Skit)
02. Without Me
03. Ken Is Krazy
04. Palmela Handerson
05. Buy U A Beer
06. Wanna Be (Skit)
07. Dotcom
08. The Boy Is Mine
09. Insane Clown Pussies (Skit)
10. Baby-Sitter
11. Super Ken
12. Call Em (Skit)
13. Karolyn
14. Perfect Mix
15. Visiting Australia (Skit)
16. Kreep Wit Me
17. Vato
18. Coming Outta The Closet
19. Curtains Close (Skit)
20. If You Play Your Cards Right (feat. 2Pac, K-ci & Jojo) [hidden bonus track]
21. Kleys
Here is the tracklist to the Spotify version of The Ken Kaniff Show. The tracklist is as follows:
01. Intro
02. Buy You A Beer
03. Ken Kaniff Is Crazy
04. Super Ken
05. Dotcom
06. Gyno
07. Creep With Me
08. Palmela Handerson
09. Babysitter
10. Karolyn
11. Perfect Mix
12. Vato

01. Call Em (Skit)
02. Buy U A Beer
03. Ken Is Crazy
04. Super Ken
05. Dotcom
06. Wanna Be (Skit)
07. Kreep With Me
08. Palmela Handerson
09. Baby-Sitter
10. Karolyn
11. Perfect Mix
12. The Boy Is Mine
13. Vato
14. Without Me
*KEN KANIFF is a registered trademark on file with the State of California Copyright Board.
*This was his debut album besides KEN KANIFF FROM CONNECTICUT.
*Ken Kaniff has released 4 different albums. 3 which are impossible to find including the album sampler.
*Aristotle would release an EP later that year called Don’t Tell Daddy with the now famous comedian Ali G.
*Sometime in 2000 is when Aristotle relocated from Detroit to California and had started producing for San Francisco/Bay Area rappers. He still lives in the San Francisco/Bay Area to this day.
* Aristotle is known as “Aristotle Benoit”. He is the person behind most of the copyright complaints to have songs from his 2002 album removed off internet websites such as YouTube, DatPiff, audiomack, etc. He has filed copyright complaints mostly against YouTube and DatPiff.
*Joshua Arnold is Ken Kaniff.
I rate this album, The Ken Kaniff Show, 5/5*****!!
Awesome reviews, tons of information, you're very thorough. I've been looking for more stuff by Aristotle for a while now but not much, do you happen to know any way I can listen to his other tracks?
ReplyDeleteI do not know where you could find his other music.
DeleteNo problem, excellent article though keep it up.