Saturday, May 19, 2018

Beech Grove School in Kentucky explored.

Beech Grove School was built in 1939. Beech Grove School was built using concrete instead of brick as most schools of that era were similar to the WPA buildings. More than likely this school building was a WPA building. The 1939 building was built to replace the older school building that once existed. The older school building was built sometime in the 1800s.

A lot of these older schools were built right next door to their founding schoolhouses. Elementary school was the same way. However that was not the case as the old Beech Grove School building was built using pine and cedar wood.

Beech Grove School is a pretty depressing concrete looking school building that bears resemblance to a correctional facility complex. The school was not constructed using brick. Despite being constructed not using brick, the school building looks like it belongs to a correctional facility complex. You don't see these types of buildings much anymore.

Overall, Beech Grove School was possibly an elementary school that operated from 1939 to 1974. It is unknown if Beech Grove went past elementary school. There is a possibility that Beech Grove School operated an elementary school only.

Miss Hattie V. Sandefur was the principal of Beech Grove School for 2 years. She was a teacher for 31½ years. Miss Hattie V. Sandefur was a 5th grade teacher for the Beech Grove School. She was a dedicated member of the teaching profession. S.E. Wheeler was the principal for the school in the 1930s and 1940s.

(Ref: How Can Enrollment and Attendance in McLean County Schools Be Improved?, Messenger-Inquirer)
(Ref: Messenger-Inquirer, Page 11, August 31, 1933)

The school closed in 1974 for whatever reason(s). The school has been closed for more than 30 years. Today the school is now abandoned.

An urban exploration site from Canada called has an interesting picture entered into their database entry of Beech Grove School. The interesting picture is a snapshot of graffiti with the statement “men are all bisexual”. However some people on interpreted the message as “merv are all bisexual”. However whoever wrote this graffiti piece was trying to say men.

(Ref: Beech Grove School, Kentucky, United States,

Beech Grove School is located on 200 KY 56, Beech Grove, Kentucky, US.

1 comment:

  1. I live in the area and was wondering if I could get some info on getting in. I haven't scoped it out yet but I have info on a nuclear bunker located in the facility from a civil defense document from 1953. I would like to explore it soon.
